Life Sucks

Feb 04, 2011 21:28

My life sucks. Tomorrow is mum's 80th birthday and I've got one of my 3-day migraines ( Read more... )

life sucks, real life

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Comments 16

usakiwigirl February 4 2011, 21:38:28 UTC
Ah, sweetheart, is it still not all fixed? I really feel for you. I hope it is not as bad as that - your sister should help, she is her mother as well and just because she is not living there and technically visiting, she should still lend a helping hand. The house is obviously not in any condition to be run by just one person. Help is essential. I hope you get it. And I hope you get a cake you can eat for your birthday :)


badly_knitted February 4 2011, 22:07:24 UTC
Sadly (or perhaps luckily for you) you don't know my sister. She won't lift a finger. She'll be here for mum, will sit and talk to mum, and I'll be shut out, just the same as I always am when she visits. My sister is the favoured daughter, despite all the times she's let mum down, not phoned or visited when she said she would etc. I'm little more than the housemaid, expected to do everything no matter how I feel. And I don't even have a room of my own now, and won't until the ceiling is fixed. We're due yet another person coming to look at my ceiling soon, and I'm still trying to clear my room, but the storage unit is practically full to bursting and there's still a load of stuff to move. I feel like an outcast in my own home. *sigh*


toshiani007 February 4 2011, 23:49:57 UTC
My friend, I wish I live closer to help you. I hope everything goes well. Give your mom a hug from me. I'm sendig you good vibes, I hope your migraine goes away. Take care. Todo mi cariño. ***hugs***


badly_knitted February 5 2011, 00:06:03 UTC
Thanks, I need all the good vibes I can get! Tomorrow is going to be a nightmare, with everyone enjoying themselves while I get to be the unpaid, largely ignored help as usual. My online friends are all that's keeping me going these days, don't like to think where I'd be without you! *hugs tight*


toshiani007 February 5 2011, 00:24:51 UTC
We love and support you. I'm going to be thinking about you tomorrow and sending positive vibes.


badly_knitted February 5 2011, 00:33:48 UTC
*hugs* Thankyou =)


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badly_knitted February 5 2011, 02:03:53 UTC
Oh, that sounds lovely, I wish I could but I don't actually go anywhere - I'm not completely housebound, but I have so few good days that I rarely get out of the house and travelling is out of the question because of my agoraphobia. I don't even get to go to the cinema or stuff like that. *sigh* Doctors haven't been helpful with any of my health problems, so I've just had to learn to live with them =( I'm practically a recluse, which is why the internet and the friends I've made mean so much to me! *Hugs you tight* You're such a special person!

The universe just seems to like kicking people when they're down at the moment - not just me, seems half of Australia is taking a far worse battering. It's good to be able to grumble and know there are people who care though. It gets us all through the rough times in our lives!

Once you're in Cardiff though, I'd definitely love to be able to chat to you on the phone!


jedi_harkness February 5 2011, 08:55:23 UTC
*hugs you tight* Happy Birthday to your mum. Sorry you're feeling so miserable... :(


badly_knitted February 5 2011, 10:55:21 UTC
Thanks! Everything is just getting on top of me and everyone around me is just being thoughtless and unhelpful. I can't seem to get a break! Even my new glasses, which have been ready since mid December, are still sitting at the optitians because I haven't been able to go and have them fitted and adjusted. I was so excited when I chose them, but I haven't been out since, what with all the disasters, bad weather, more disasters, health issues and everything I have to pack up and clear to get my bedroom ceiling fixed.
I was hoping 2011 would be a better year for me, but so far... not so much =(


jedi_harkness February 6 2011, 00:11:06 UTC
I hope today wasn't completely horrible for you... *sending more hugs*


badly_knitted February 6 2011, 00:33:11 UTC
Not as bad as I expected, thankfully! They all went off out shopping, leaving me in peace, and bought sausage and chips and stuff back for their dinner, so there wasn't a lot of extra washing up. They ate their food while I put the shopping away, and amazingly no one pinched my chair! And of course it was great to see my nephew and niece, I love them to bits and get on with them much better than with their mother!

*hugs you back* Thanks For everything! My friends keep me sane - I can honestly say I've never had so many friends in my entire life, it makes me feel warm and mushy inside! =) It's a very good feeling!


angelsphonebox February 5 2011, 21:19:47 UTC
oh hun, I'm so sorry that things are so crapppy. You really deserve a huge load of good luck to come your way. No one deserves it more. I'm sending you a big hug and all the good karma I can to you. I really hope that something wonderful and amazing happens for you soon.


badly_knitted February 5 2011, 23:11:54 UTC
Thanks, hun. Today wasn't as bad as I expected - I just finished the washing up, a few more mugs and more cutlery than usual but they picked up sausage and chips while they were out, so there wweren't piles of plates, and my sister had a cake made for mum that doesn't have chocolate in it so I can have a slice of that. Plus they all went shopping and I was left in peace for a couple of hours. Then my nephew went to sleep on the lounge floor - he seemed to find it much more comfortable than I do! Not a wonderful day, but not too bad all things considered!

*hugs you back* Thanks for the good karma - I'm sure it helped!


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