Drabble: Use Your Loaf

Oct 12, 2016 18:42

Title: Use Your Loaf
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Jack, Ianto.
Rating: G
Written For: Challenge 417: Slice at tw100.
Spoilers: Nada.
Summary: You’d think Jack had never seen bread before…
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.

Drabble Version

Jack frowned at the loaf of bread. It was big, brown, crusty, and all in one piece.

“Haven’t you heard of sliced bread?” he asked. “It comes in a bag; you just take out what you need.”

Ianto looked pained. “Sliced bread might be convenient, but it’s stodgy and bland. Nothing beats fresh bread from the baker’s.” Getting out his bread knife, he carved a slice off the new loaf, buttered it, and handed it to Jack. “Try that.”

“Without any filling?” Jack sounded dubious, but took a bite anyway. Then he smiled. “You’re right; best thing since sliced bread!”

The End

Extended Version

Jack frowned at the loaf of bread sitting on the breadboard. It was big, brown, and crusty, not to mention all in one piece.

“Haven’t you ever heard of sliced bread?” he asked Ianto. “It comes in a handy bag and all you have to do it take out what you need.”

Ianto gave Jack a pained look. “Sliced bread might be convenient, but it’s also stodgy and bland, full of additives and preservatives. Nothing beats fresh bread from the baker’s.” Getting out his bread knife, he proceeded to carve neat slices off the new loaf, buttering one and handing it to Jack. “Try that.”

“Without any filling?”

“Bread should be more than just something to hold the contents of your sandwich together.”

Jack looked dubious, but took a bite anyway. After a moment, he broke into a smile. “You’re right, this is delicious! The best thing since sliced bread!”

The End

fic, jack/ianto, jack harkness, ianto jones, torchwood fic, tw100, drabble, fic: g

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