Doctor Who Drabble: Dreams

Feb 16, 2016 18:26

Title: Dreams

Author: badly_knitted

Characters: Sarah Jane Smith, mentions the Doctor

Rating: G

Written For: Challenge 030: Something that never happened at dw100

Spoilers: Nothing specific.

Summary: Left behind on earth, Sarah Jane’s dreams are often disturbing.

Disclaimer: I don’t own Doctor Who, or the characters.

Drabble Version

Sarah Jane dreams sometimes of things that never happened, the earth destroyed by Daleks, Cybermen, or other beings she can’t even put a name to. One thing is always the same though: earth’s in peril and the Doctor never comes. Humans face the threat bravely, but it’s never enough.

She saw so much travelling with the Doctor; then he left her behind. She waited, but he never came back, and now she can’t help wondering… When she dreams of things that never happened, is she seeing the future? Will earth eventually fall because its protector has better things to do?

The End

Extended Version

Sarah Jane dreams sometimes of things that never happened, of the earth invaded, enslaved and destroyed by Daleks, Cybermen, Sontarans, or other monstrous beings she’s never seen and can’t even begin to put a name to. But in every dream, one thing is always the same: the earth is in peril and yet no matter how many times they plead for help, the Doctor never comes. Humanity faces each threat with all the courage and defiance they can muster, but it’s never enough.

She saw so much, maybe too much, during her travels with the Doctor, but then he left her behind, abandoned her to normality, and though she waited patiently, he never came back. Now, she can’t help but wonder… When she dreams of things that never happened, is she seeing what’s to come? Will the earth some day fall because its protector has found better things to do?

The End

fic, dw100, sarah-jane smith, the doctor, doctor who, drabble, fic: g

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