Title: Never Had A Chance
Fandom: FAKE
badly_knitted Characters: Dee/Ryo
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Dee’s feeling rather pleased with himself.
Setting: Just after Vol. 7.
Written For:
tigriswolf’s prompt ‘Author’s choice, author’s choice, “If it helps… you never had a chance”,’ at
comment_fic Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.
Sprawled bonelessly in the afterglow, Dee smirked at his partner, now his lover. Ryo looked shagged out.
“If it helps,” Dee told him smugly, “you never had a chance; I always get my man. Not that you made it easy for me.”
“So it was inevitable I’d fall for your charms, was it?” Ryo asked sleepily.
“Yup. Just took longer than I would’ve liked.”
“Sorry, I didn’t mean…”
Dee cut him off. “Quit apologising, dope. Anyway, you’re worth it. Just so you know, now I’ve got you, I’m never lettin’ you go.”
Ryo smiled contentedly. That suited him just fine.
The End