Drabble: Masked Bandit

Jun 19, 2015 20:22

Title: Masked Bandit

Author: badly_knitted

Characters: Jack, Ianto, Owen, Janet.

Rating: G

Written For: Challenge 348: Weevil at tw100

Spoilers: Nada.

Summary: Janet is causing unexpected problems.

Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.

A/N: Another one where I’m posting an extended version as well as the 100-word drabble.

Sending Janet the Weevil back into the sewers hadn’t exactly gone to plan.

Owen had decided to tag and release her to track her movements. While not exactly tame, she was judged safe around humans, so no one had been worried. That had been before they’d started getting calls from the police.

It seemed someone in a mask was staging a daring series of muggings. Members of the public were peeved at having their purchases snatched right out of their hands.

“We’d better get her back,” Jack decided, frowning at Ianto. “Why’d you have to get her addicted to coffee?”

Extended version

Releasing Janet the Weevil back into the sewers hadn’t exactly gone to plan.

Owen had decided it would be a good idea to tag her then set her loose to track her movements around the city. It would give him a better idea of Weevil habits in the ‘wild’. While not exactly tame, she was judged not to be a threat to humans anymore, so no one had really been worried. That had been before the calls had started coming in from the police a few days later.

It seemed someone in a mask was staging a daring series of… well, not exactly muggings, no one was really being hurt according to the cops, but members of the public were peeved at having their purchases snatched right out of their hands.

“We’d better get her back,” Jack decided, frowning at Ianto. “Why’d you have to get her addicted to coffee?”

The End

janet weevil, fic, owen harper, jack harkness, ianto jones, torchwood fic, tw100, drabble, fic: g

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