Title: Foot In Mouth: Jack - Sequel to ‘
badly_knitted Characters: Jack, Ianto, mentions Nosy.
Rating: G
Written For: Challenge 342: Foreign Language at
tw100 Spoilers: Nada.
Summary: Jack’s surprised that Nosy really is learning Welsh.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.
“You really are teaching Nosy Welsh?” Jack was astonished; he hadn’t expected Ianto to admit it.
Ianto just shrugged. “Why not? It likes learning new things.”
“Yeah, but… Shouldn’t you be teaching it English instead of a foreign language?”
That earned Jack a withering look.
“First of all, we’re in Wales, so technically, Welsh is not a foreign language here, it’s our native language. Secondly, Nosy is an alien from another planet; it only speaks Fluff. As far as it’s concerned, all earth languages could be considered foreign, and that includes English.”
Jack winced at Ianto’s disapproving tone. “Good point.”
The End