Doctor Who Drabble: For Her

Feb 07, 2015 20:02

Title: For Her

Author: badly_knitted

Characters: Rory/Amy

Rating: G

Written For: Challenge 538 - Daredevil at dw100

Spoilers: Nothing specific.

Summary: Rory doesn’t really see himself as brave.

Disclaimer: I don’t own Doctor Who, or the characters.

A/N: My first drabble for dw100, and it came out at exactly 100 words first try! YAY!

Rory had never considered himself especially daring or brave, he’d always been more clown material than hero material. Some days he wasn’t sure how he’d ended up here, of all places, travelling through time and space with a madman in a blue box, but then he’d look at Amy, vibrant and vivacious, and it all made sense.

His Amy. He’d loved her since they were kids, had never doubted that he would always be hers, if she wanted him. He was here because this was where she was; he would go anywhere and dare anything, just to see her smile.

The End

fic, dw100, doctor who, drabble, rory williams, amy pond, fic: g

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