Title: Harvest’s End
badly_knitted Characters: Team Torchwood
Rating: G
Written For: Challenge 318 - Long Overdue at
tw100 Spoilers: Countrycide.
Summary: Torchwood brings a hideous crime spree to its end.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.
A/N: I managed to squeeze out one more drabble for this challenge, but it’ll probably be my last, I’m out of ideas unless anyone has a suggestion or two. Still, twelve is a pretty good score, I’m happy with that!
They’d come all the way to the Brecon Beacons, hoping to solve the mystery of lone travellers going missing without a trace. Even though the area was far beyond the reach of the Rift, they’d automatically assumed that aliens were somehow involved; they couldn’t have been more wrong.
How long had this band of cannibals been preying on the unwary? How many generations of these inbred ghouls had been treating their fellow humans as cattle, a convenient source of food?
Well, no more. Long overdue it might be, but these monsters would finally get what they deserved for their crimes.
The End