Title: Not An Emergency
badly_knittedCharacters: Ianto, Jack.
Rating: PG
Written For: Challenge 843: Emergency at
Spoilers: Nada.
Summary: Ianto is pretty certain this doesn’t constitute an emergency, no matter what Jack thinks.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.
A/N: Double drabble.
“Looks like we’re too late, they’re closed,” Ianto told Jack. “We’ll have to try again in the morning. I told you it was early closing. If you hadn’t been dithering…”
“I wasn’t dithering! I was finishing something important.”
“You were bidding for an inflatable snowman on ebay!”
“It’s Owen’s Christmas gift!” Jack scowled at his lover. “Why can’t we just knock on the door until someone lets us in?”
“Because unlike you, the people who work here don’t live where they work.” Ianto tried to usher his lover back towards the car, but Jack evaded him.
“Then we’ll just pick the lock and let ourselves in!”
“And set off the alarms, have half the police in Cardiff descend on us because you don’t like having to wait?”
“We’ll tell them it was an emergency! We had to get in to prevent a disaster.”
“Which would be a lie.”
“They wouldn’t know that. Besides, we already paid, and I’d leave the ticket on that spike thing. I’d even stamp it first.”
“We’re NOT breaking into the dry cleaner’s just because you want your coat.”
“But I need it! I don’t feel dressed without it!”
“Not being dressed never bothered you before.”
The End