FAKE Fic: Rain, Rain, Go Away

Sep 20, 2024 19:49

Title: Rain, Rain, Go Away
Fandom: FAKE
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Ryo, Dee.
Rating: PG
Setting: After the manga.
Summary: In Dee’s opinion, so far, his and Ryo’s vacation is proving to be a disappointment.
Word Count: 1087
Written For: Challenge 451: Rainbow at fan_flashworks.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.

“Can’t see rainbows without the rain,” Ryo said, taking in his partner’s gloomy expression.

Dee was leaning against the wall, staring out at the heavy grey clouds overhead, and didn’t bother turning away from the window. “Is that supposed to cheer me up? ‘Cause it’s not workin’, and I’m not seein’ any rainbows either. Can’t see much of anythin’ right now thanks to the weather.”

“Rain happens, Dee. It’s just a summer shower, it’ll pass.”

“Summer shower?” Now Dee did turn, to give his lover a disgusted look. “Day two of our vacation, and all it’s done so far is rain.”

“You’re exaggerating. It wasn’t raining when we got here last night.”

“No, it just started sometime durin’ the night, and it hasn’t stopped since. What was the point of comin’ all this way if all it’s gonna do is rain? It wasn’t like this the last time we were in Britain.”

“Freak heatwave that year,” Ryo pointed out. “Are you just going to mope around in the hotel whenever it rains? We could be out enjoying ourselves, seeing the sights.”

“And gettin’ wet.”

“That’s what umbrellas are for, they keep the worst of the rain off. It’s not even all that heavy now, just a light drizzle, and you’re acting like it’s time to start building an ark. You can mope about here if you want to, but I’m going out.”

“In that?” Dee gestured in the direction of the window.

“Yes, in that. I don’t know about you, but I didn’t come this far to spend my vacation in a hotel room. I have an umbrella and my jacket; I even have the car keys in case I want to do more than just wander around town. I was thinking of picking up sandwiches and stuff for lunch then driving up the coast. I’ve heard there are some beautiful views from the coastal roads.”

“But it’s rainin’!” Dee protested.

“Yes, I had noticed that.” Ryo was grinning, his enthusiasm for his plans undimmed by either the weather or his lover’s sullen mood.

“Not the weather for a picnic.”

“So we eat in the car and enjoy the scenery from there. It’s better than staying here staring at the walls, isn’t it? Not that you have to come with me if you don’t want to.”

“You’d just go and leave me here by myself?” Dee looked shocked.

“We came to Northumberland to explore, not to sit around complaining about the weather. We’ve only got two weeks, and I intend to see as much as I can while I’m here, no matter what the weather’s like.”

“Fine,” Dee huffed. “I’ll put my boots on and go with ya.”

“Don’t put yourself out.”

“I’m not. Wouldn’t be any fun here on my own.”

“Doesn’t look to me like you’re having much fun with me here. Anyone would think you enjoy being miserable.”

“I just didn’t come on vacation to get rained on, that’s all. Could’a stayed in New York and done that for free.” Dee sat on the end of the bed and pulled his hiking boots on instead of the sneakers he’d been planning on wearing to the nearest beach. Standing up, he grabbed his jacket, shrugging into it, then picked up the other umbrella. Ryo had bought them from a kiosk at the airport when they’d landed the previous evening. “Okay, let’s go get rained on,” he grumbled.

“You could at least try to show some enthusiasm.”

“I would if I had any.” Scowling, Dee trailed after his lover as they left their room and took the stairs down to the lobby. Ryo didn’t even hesitate when they reached the main doors after dropping their room key off at reception, just pulled the door open and headed out, putting his umbrella up and striding across the forecourt, paying no mind to the puddles. Dee had to scramble to catch up.

The rain continued to fall as they wandered along the street, finally finding a deli offering freshly made sandwiches and cakes, where they bought enough food for a picnic lunch. They got sodas and bottles of water from a newsagents a couple of doors down, then fruit from a greengrocer across the street before making their way back to the hotel to collect their rental car.

“I should’a just waited in the lobby,” Dee muttered. “Then I could’a skipped gettin’ wet.”

“But then you wouldn’t have gotten to choose what you wanted for lunch,” Ryo pointed out.

Dee gave a put-upon sigh. “Yeah, I suppose.”

“Come on, grumpy, let’s get on the road and see where we end up.”

“Fine by me. At least in the car we’re outta the rain.”

Some forty minutes later, Ryo pulled the car off the road somewhere between Seahouses and Bamburgh, looking out across the sea to the Farne Islands, and turned off the engine. In the sudden quiet, the only sound was the rain drumming on the car roof. Finally, he spoke.

“How’s that for a view?”

Despite the raindrops trailing down the car windows, Dee had to admit the landscape had a certain appeal, even if it looked a bit bleak, wet, wild, and windswept.

“Impressive. Bit early to stop for lunch though.”

“I thought we could sit out the rain here for a while then drive on down to Budle Bay, maybe take a walk along the beach.”

“In the rain?”

“Why not? A little rain never hurt anyone.”

“You’re crazy, you know that?”

“Like I said, I came here to see the sights, and I intend to do that even if it rains the entire time we’re here. I’m not letting the weather spoil my vacation.”

Even as he said the words and reached to roll down the driver’s side window for a clearer view, the pattering of rain on the car roof slowed and a glimmer of sunlight began to break through the clouds overhead. As the sky gradually grew brighter, Ryo suddenly clutched at Dee’s arm and pointed.

“Look, a rainbow!”

“Well, whaddaya know?”

Dee felt his gloom beginning to lift as he gazed out at the bright arc of colour gracing the sky. The clouds overhead were beginning to break apart and scatter on a warm wind coming in off of the sea, patches of blue sky becoming visible in the gaps, and he smiled as a ray of sunlight turned the raindrops on the hood of the car into shining, iridescent jewels. Maybe this vacation wouldn’t be such a washout after all.

The End

fic, fake fic, ryo maclean, fic: one-shot, dee laytner, fake, fan_flashworks, fic: pg

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