Title: Playing Tourists
Fandom: FAKE
badly_knittedCharacters: Dee, Ryo.
Rating: PG
Setting: After the manga.
Summary: Dee takes Ryo out for the day to enjoy one of New York’s biggest tourist attractions.
Written Using: The tw100 prompt ‘Tourist’.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.
A/N: Triple drabble and a half, 350 words.
Dee had already told his lover he’d be picking him up early on their day off, so Ryo was ready and waiting when he arrived.
“So, where are we going that has to be kept such a secret?” Ryo asked, reaching for a light jacket, in deference to the cool breeze.
“I’ll tell you in a minute. Put this on first.” Dee tossed a bag to Ryo, who opened it and pulled out a t-shirt, one of the white ones with I heart New York on the front that the tourists loved to wear.
“Dee!” Ryo couldn’t help laughing.
“Go ahead!” Dee insisted. “I’m already wearin’ mine.” He opened his jacket to prove it. “If we’re gonna play tourist in our own city, the least we can do is look the part. Oh, and bring your camera so we can take photos. We oughta do this right. No point doin’ it otherwise.”
“And what, exactly, will we be doing?” Ryo stripped off the t-shirt he was wearing, tossing it on the sofa before pulling on the new one and tucking it into his jeans.
“Staten Island and the Statue of Liberty, baby!” Dee grinned. “We talked about it a few months back, remember? Today, we’re gonna climb right to the top!”
Ryo found himself grinning back at his partner; Dee’s enthusiasm was contagious. “Don’t you have to book to do that?”
“Already taken care of, I got us tickets. We’re gonna have a great time!
They took the subway and then a bus to the ferry, mingled with the other tourists on the trip across, and listened to the tour guide’s talk before climbing the stairs inside the statue to enjoy the views from the crown, snapping as many pictures as they could in the time allowed.
“This was a great idea,” Ryo told his lover as they started back down. “We weren’t allowed up here on the school trip.”
“I figured it wasn’t worth comin’ if we didn’t get the whole experience. Next stop, the museum. We gotta get ourselves some proper tourist souvenirs, right?”
Ryo laughed. “Why not?”
The End