Drabble: What Could Go Wrong? - Sequel to ‘Unwelcome News’

Jul 13, 2014 12:29

Title: What Could Go Wrong? - Sequel to ‘ Unwelcome News

Author: badly_knitted

Characters: Jack, Ianto

Rating: PG

Written For: Challenge 316 - Reverse Fandom - How I Met Your Mother at tw100

Spoilers: Nada.

Summary: Jack and Ianto find themselves in a bit of a predicament.

Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.

A/N: Prompt used is ‘Landmarks’

“What could go wrong?” Ianto muttered. “Why the bloody hell did you have to go and say that, Jack?”

“Would it help if I apologised?”

“Under the current circumstances? No.”

“Oh. I am sorry though.”

Ianto rolled his eyes.

“I know, Jack. You always are. Unfortunately, your being sorry doesn’t make us any less LOST!”

“Maybe if we could spot a landmark…”

Ianto stopped dead.

“Jack, look around us; we’re surrounded by trees. Nothing but trees. And I’m sorry, but they all look alike to me. We could be walking in circles for all I know.”

Jack sagged in defeat.

TBC in ‘ No Harm Done

fic, jack/ianto, jack harkness, fic: sequel, ianto jones, humour, torchwood fic, tw100, drabble, fic: pg

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