Title: Exciting Discovery
badly_knittedCharacters: Sarah Jane, Fourth Doctor.
Rating: G
Written For: Challenge 836: Rushes at
Spoilers: Nada.
Summary: The Doctor has something exciting to show Sarah Jane.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Doctor Who, or the characters.
They hunkered down among the rushes, the Doctor and his faithful companion, peering out from the shore across the waters of a lake in the hush of early morning.
“What are we doing here?” Sarah Jane whispered, her mind whirling with thoughts of dangerous aliens.
“Shhhh. Just wait; you’ll see.”
“See what?”
“Look! There!” The Doctor pointed out across the water.
“I don’t see anything.” The marshy lake looked the same as before.
“The birds!”
Sarah Jane sighed. “It’s a lake, of course there are ducks.”
“Silver Teal! Do you have any idea how rare they are?”
“Rare ducks. Wonderful.”
The End