Stargate SG-1 Quadruple Drabble: How Is This Better?

Jun 16, 2024 18:19

Title: How Is This Better?
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Jack O’Neill, Harlan, Sam, Daniel, Teal’c.
Rating: PG
Word Count: 400
Spoilers/Setting: Tin Man.
Summary: O’Neill has every right to be angry. Harlan has stolen their bodies!
Written For: Challenge 433: Angry at fan_flashworks.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Stargate SG-1, or the characters.
A/N: Quadruple drabble.

Jack O’Neill couldn’t for the life of him understand why the rest of his team didn’t share his anger. He was about ready to slam Harlan through the damned wall, but Carter and Daniel seemed resigned, even accepting of their current situation. Well, Jack was damned if he was going to back down.

Harlan had stolen their real bodies, or stolen their consciousnesses and shoved them into artificial bodies. Hell, they were robots, mechanical constructs trapped on an alien planet because they couldn’t function away from the power source that replaced their need for food and drink. If that wasn’t something to get good and mad about, Jack didn’t know what was.

And all Harlan would say was that this was better. Better for whom? Obviously not for SG-1; they’d had their humanity ripped away. Their lives, their futures, everything they were and might have been in the future, was gone.

Sure, it benefitted Harlan, he got four more people to help him keep the broken-down underground complex running, but all they’d be doing was maintaining their own prison.

This wasn’t the life any of them had signed up for. They were supposed to be out there trying to defeat the Goa’uld, find Skaara and Sha’re, free the Jaffa, and arm the earth with weapons and technology, even to make friends with other races. They couldn’t do any of that if they were stuck here, and even if they could get around the whole running out of energy thing, General Hammond would never allow them to return to earth again, not like this. They had to be considered a security risk.

It wasn’t fair, it wasn’t right, and why was he the only one who could see that? Even Teal’c would only say, “What is done is done.”

Well, if it had been done, then why couldn’t it be undone? Harlan claimed their bodies were gone, that this was permanent, but O’Neill wasn’t buying it, he couldn’t afford to; it was just too… final. There had to be another way, and he’d find it if he had to beat it out of ol’ Harlan.

In the meantime, all he and the rest of the team could do was try to learn as much as they could about the station, and about their current bodies. Maybe they’d find a way out, and if not… Then O’Neill was gonna get REALLY angry.

The End

fic, stargate sg-1, other character/s, jack o'neill, fan_flashworks, drabble, fic: pg

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