Title: Plans Postponed
Fandom: FAKE
badly_knittedCharacters: Dee, Ryo.
Rating: PG
Written For: Challenge 400: Amnesty 40 at
drabble_weekly, using Challenge 63: The Best Laid Plans....
Setting: After Like Like Love.
Summary: A change in the weather causes Dee and Ryo to abandon their plans.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.
A/N: Double drabble.
Dee scowled through the office window at the heavy grey clouds hanging over the city. “Welp, guess that’s that,” he said with a sigh. “Long weekend ahead, and no point even thinkin’ about takin’ the boat out, not with storms movin’ in.”
“There’ll be other weekends,” Ryo assured his lover, trying to quash his own disappointment. “We knew the good weather might not last.”
“Yeah, but I was SO hopin’ we’d catch a break. Really could’a done with gettin’ away from the city for a few days, breathin’ clean air, and just not havin’ to even think about work.”
“We can still go away, just not out to sea. Maybe head inland, find a hotel or guest house, do a bit of hiking.”
“In the pourin’ rain? Plus there’re gales forecast. Why go anywhere if we’re just gonna be stuck indoors anyway? The luck we’re havin’, we’d get a call before we even got outta town, tellin’ us they’re shorthanded at the precinct and need us to fill in. You know how crazy it gets when New York’s hit with this kinda weather.”
“So what d’you suggest?”
“We hole up at home and ride it out, warm, dry, and safe.”
The End