Stargate SG-1 Double Drabble: Deserved

May 05, 2024 18:58

Title: Deserved
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Teal’c, Hanno, Jack O’Neill.
Rating: PG
Spoilers/Setting: Cor-ai.
Summary: Teal’c will not defend himself, he must accept the punishment he deserves.
Written For: Challenge 435: Amnesty 72 at fan_flashworks, using Challenge 428: Angry.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Stargate SG-1, or the characters.
A/N: Double drabble and a half, 250 words.

Teal’c understands Hanno’s anger in a way the rest of the team simply cannot. They were not present when Teal’c, as the First Prime of Apophis, made the decision to take the life of Hanno’s father. They did not witness the grief and rage in the boy’s eyes, and therefore they can have no part in Teal’c’s decision to submit to the Cor-ai.

Hanno’s rage is understandable, and his desire for reparation, is not merely fair, it is just. Many years ago, before he turned against his god, Teal’c committed a devastating crime against the boy, a crime that changed Hanno’s life, and now he must accept the consequences of his past actions.

He does not recall the faces or the names of all those he slaughtered while in service to Apophis; most of them it is likely he never knew. He cannot make amends for his other victims, but he can at least allow this one young man to claim retribution against him, even if that means he must die.

He has tried to explain all of this to O’Neill, but his friend does not wish to hear. Teal’c can also understand O’Neill’s anger; by allowing himself to be killed, Teal’c will be going back on his vow to help the people of the Tau’ri defeat the Goa’uld.

But Hanno’s claim against Teal’c predates O’Neill’s. There is nothing more to be done or said, except to await the ruling of the Cor-ai and accept whatever punishment Hanno deems proper.

The End

fic, stargate sg-1, other character/s, teal'c, jack o'neill, drabble, fan_flashworks, fic: pg

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