Stargate SG-1 Triple Drabble: Uncanny Resemblance

Mar 24, 2024 18:07

Title: Uncanny Resemblance
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Sam Carter, Jack O’Neill.
Rating: G
Setting: Early Season One.
Summary: Sam can’t help noticing the resemblance between Colonel O’Neill and MacGyver.
Written For: nagi_schwarz’s prompt ‘Stargate SG-1, Sam Carter, MacGyver,’ at comment_fic.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Stargate SG-1, or the characters.
A/N: Triple drabble.

Back when she was teenager, MacGyver was one of Sam’s TV heroes, just because wherever he was, whatever happened to him, he could deal with it using his pocketknife and whatever came to hand. She admired that, wanted to learn how to make something from nothing, how to fix anything so she’d never have to rely on a man to do it for her.

Not that she had anything against men. She loved her dad, her brother, and the occasional boy. She’d loved Jonas too, until she’d realised no matter how good she’d gotten at fixing objects, people were another matter entirely, and some couldn’t be fixed anyway. That was a large part of why she’d broken off the engagement.

Now here she is, a Captain in the Air Force, a member of SG-1, and it’s weird but Colonel O’Neill bears an almost uncanny resemblance to an older MacGyver, or what she thinks Mac would have looked like as he’d gotten older.

He doesn’t have the same knack for fixing things with rubber bands and baling wire though; she’s the one he looks to when something needs an emergency repair and they’re stuck on an alien planet, countless light years away from the SGC’s technicians.

It’s sort of gratifying. He hadn’t wanted her on the team to start with, but now he relies on her, and in a weird way it’s all down to a teenage crush on a fictional TV character.

Perhaps it also explains why she’s developed a bit of a crush on the Colonel, although she’d never say anything to him. For one thing, they’re both military which means it would be against regulations, and for another, even if he weren’t her superior, scientists aren’t really Jack O’Neill’s thing.

Still, his resemblance to MacGyver makes her smile.

The End

comment_fic, fic, stargate sg-1, jack o'neill, sam carter, drabble, fic: g

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