Babylon 5: Quadruple Drabble: Green Vs Purple

Mar 17, 2024 17:17

Title: Green Vs Purple
Fandom: Babylon 5
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Susan Ivanova, Drazi.
Rating: PG
Spoilers/Setting: The Geometry Of Shadows.
Summary: The Drazi are waging war against each other, and Susan is ordered to deal with the problem.
Written For: Challenge 417: Amnesty 69 at fan_flashworks, using Challenge 83: Fight.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Babylon 5, or the characters. They belong to J. Michael Straczynski.
A/N: Quadruple drabble.

All over the station, Drazi were fighting each other, all because of bits of cloth. It was insane, and in his wisdom, the captain had ordered newly promoted Commander Susan Ivanova to restore peace and sanity.

Thanks for that.

Susan scowled at the combatants; there had to be some sensible way of settling their differences, except that the only difference between the two factions was that half had green cloths tied around their necks, and the rest had purple. She’d thought the earth method of voting for nominees was getting a bit dated, but the Drazi method was practically prehistoric.

It hadn’t been so bad at the start, but the altercations were becoming increasingly violent, and news from the Drazi homeworld was that the two sides had started killing each other. The last thing Babylon 5 needed was aliens waging war against each other in the corridors and public areas. There was no telling how many innocent bystanders might get injured or even killed.

But the Drazi couldn’t be reasoned with. The green faction had even gone so far as to kidnap her while setting into motion a plan to space every member of the purple faction, having gathered them together in one place. If it hadn’t been for Garibald’s timely rescue, it would have been wholesale slaughter.

The Drazi weren’t the brightest people in the universe, but even so, if this was their idea of a fair and honest election, it was a miracle they hadn’t wiped themselves out centuries ago.

In the end, Ivanova solved the problem completely by accident, berating the green leader and snatching the cloth from around his neck. Apparently, that made her the green leader and every Drazi wearing green now had to do whatever she ordered.

It wasn’t the outcome she’d been expecting, or even hoping for, she’d been mulling over possible peaceful contests which might determine a winner without any further loss of life, but under the circumstances she wasn’t going to abandon the advantage while she had it.

All she needed now was purple dye, lots and lots of purple dye, enough to turn every strip of green cloth aboard the station an appealing shade of purple. Once all the Drazi were wearing the same colour, there’d be no more fighting.

When that was done, she was going back to her quarters and rest. She couldn’t believe they broke her foot!

The End

fic, susan ivanova, other character/s, babylon 5, fan_flashworks, drabble, fic: pg

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