BtVS Quadruple Drabble: No More Chances

Feb 14, 2024 16:42

Title: No More Chances
Fandom: BtVS
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Buffy, Faith.
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Season 3.
Summary: Buffy has tried so hard to help Faith, to befriend her, but as of now, she’s done.
Written For: Weekend Challenge Prompt: “I wouldn't raise a finger to help that girl. Let her go through what I went through,” at 1_million_words.
Disclaimer: I don’t own BtVS, or the characters.
A/N: Quadruple drabble.

Buffy had tried so hard when Kendra’s replacement had shown up in Sunnydale. She’d wanted everything to go better than it had with Kendra, to skip all the misunderstandings and distrust, to start out on the right foot, because it should be a good thing, right? Two Slayers, fighting side-by-side against the forces of darkness.

But Faith, for all her charisma and bravado, hadn’t been the easiest person to like. The boasting, the showing off, the prickly exterior that didn’t let anyone too close, the way she seemed to be trying to replace Buffy… Faith charmed her friends with her wild stories, impressed her mom with her enthusiasm for Slaying, won Giles’ grudging approval for her fighting abilities…

After they’d dealt with Kakistos, for a while Buffy had thought things were improving, but then there’d been the whole Gwendolyn Post debacle, and instead of trusting Buffy, Faith had turned against her, tried to kill Angel, practically handed Mrs Post the glove.

Even after that, Buffy hadn’t stopped trying, because deep down she and Faith were alike. It was just that Faith had been through so much, she’d had a way tougher life than Buffy, and trusting anyone other than herself was difficult for her.

She’d invited Faith into her home for Christmas, and okay, that was because her mom guilted her into it, but she’d still done it, and how had Faith repaid her? By getting her in trouble with the police, then going all Dark Side on her, betraying everything the Slayer line stood for.

It wasn’t just that Faith had joined forces with the Mayor, wasn’t even that she’d shot Angel with a poisoned arrow, fully intending to kill one of Buffy’s strongest allies. Time after time, she’d thrown every one of Buffy’s attempts at friendship, kindness, and support back in her face, and then when Buffy was finally ready to take her down, kill her for Angel’s sake, and for the sake of everyone Faith had harmed, she’d gotten away. Injured and bleeding, maybe even dying, she’d managed to escape the consequences of her actions yet again!

Well, as far as Buffy was concerned, that was it. She was through caring, through trying to help, through with offering Faith a chance to redeem herself. She didn’t deserve it.

Even if Faith came crawling back right now, Buffy wouldn’t lift a finger to help her. Let her suffer.

The End

fic, buffy summers, 1_million_words, btvs, faith lehane, buffy fic, drabble, fic: pg

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