Title: Winded
badly_knittedCharacters: Owen, Team, Ianto.
Rating: PG
Written For: Challenge 799: Wind at
Spoilers: Nada.
Summary: Owen is badly out of shape.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.
A/N: Double drabble.
Owen was starting to think maybe he wasn’t as fit as he should be. The rest of the team had already easily outpaced him, even Tosh and Gwen in their higher heels, and here he was, totally winded, struggling to keep going. He wondered whether any of his teammates would believe he’d deliberately lagged behind to guard their rear.
The Torchwood team didn’t normally run from trouble, but there were always exceptions, times they needed to regroup, perhaps find a defensible position before turning to deal with a threat. This time, things had devolved into a bit of a rout when the alien creature they’d set out to round up had turned out to be a pack of carnivorous reptiles resembling small dinosaurs.
Working in unison, they’d almost succeeded in separating Tosh from the rest of the team, so Jack had called a retreat. The goal now was to lead the pack into the ice rink, where hopefully the cold would slow them down.
But Owen wasn’t going to make it. Any second now, the lizards would have him.
Then Ianto was beside him, lifting him half off his feet and forcing him onwards. Torchwood never left a man behind.
The End