BtVS Triple Drabble: Invasion Of Privacy

Nov 22, 2023 17:10

Title: Invasion Of Privacy
Fandom: BtVS
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Buffy, Ted, Joyce, Angel.
Rating: PG
Setting: Ted.
Summary: Buffy was trying to tolerate Ted, until he read her diary.
Written For: Challenge 387: Amnesty 64 at fan_flashworks, using Challenge 221: Diary.
Disclaimer: I don’t own BtVS, or the characters.
A/N: Triple drabble and a half, 350 words.

Maybe it had been dumb keeping a diary, it was such a teenage girl thing to do, but hello, teenage girl! Just because she also happened to be the Slayer didn’t mean Buffy wasn’t still a teenager and a girl, with all the usual angst and insecurities that went along with it. She had her friends to share things with but there was other stuff she couldn’t bring herself to talk about, as well as things she wanted a record of so she could re-live them somewhere down the line. So, diary!

The thing was, she knew she could trust her mom not to invade her privacy by reading it. That was good because she wrote a lot in it about vampires, and slaying, and making out with Angel, all things that would result in her either being taken away by the men in white coats or grounded for eternity. She’d almost had a heart attack when she’d thought Angel had read it, which it turned out he hadn’t. Embarrassingly, she’d only found THAT out after she’d already blurted out the highlights. Not one of her finest moments, but now…

This went beyond invasion of privacy and right into creepy stalker territory. Ted, her mom’s boyfriend, was sitting in her room having gone through her personal stuff, and he was holding her diary! He’d read it, not that he believed anything she’d written, calling her delusional, threatening to tell her mom and have her committed to a mental institution. Buffy already hadn’t liked Ted, barely tolerating his presence in her mom’s life, but when he tried to leave, taking her diary with him, she saw red, grabbing for him.

That was the start of the fight, a fight that ended with Ted falling down the stairs. Now he was dead, and she was responsible. All the times she’d killed vampires and demons she’d never suffered a twinge of guilt, knowing she’d done the right thing, saved innocent lives, but this was different. She’d taken the life of a human, someone her mom cared about. How could she live with that?

The End

fic, buffy summers, btvs, joyce summers, buffy fic, other character/s, drabble, fan_flashworks, fic: pg, angel

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