FAKE Fic: Locked Out

Nov 10, 2023 17:07

Title: Locked Out
Fandom: FAKE
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Dee, Ryo, OMC.
Rating: PG
Setting: After the manga.
Summary: While out running errands on his day off, Ryo makes a silly mistake.
Word Count: 1147
Written For: Challenge 415: Oops at fan_flashworks.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.

“Don’t ya have a spare key?” Dee asked, incredulous. He knew Ryo could be a bit of an airhead, but he’d outdone himself this time.

“Of course I do, it’s at home; I don’t carry it around with me!” Ryo glared at his partner in frustration. “It’s not like I planned to lock myself out of my car.” He turned his glare on the car, where his keys were clearly visible, still in the ignition.

“How’d ya even do that?” Dee asked. He was understandably baffled; he and Ryo were both in the habit of taking their keys from the ignition of whatever car they were driving the moment they turned the engine off, then keeping them in hand until the doors were securely locked. It was the logical, sensible thing to do, especially since much of the time they were driving a car from the precinct’s motor pool rather than either of their personal vehicles.

“I don’t know, I thought I’d put them in my pocket! I remember turning the engine off, then I saw Bikky’s bus pass that he lost last week sticking out from under the passenger seat, so I picked it up before getting out of the car and shutting the door. I put the bus pass in my pocket and that’s when I realised my keys weren’t there, they were still in the car. I checked the doors, but they must have all locked automatically.”

“And that’s when you called me.”

“I didn’t know what else to do! I know you’ve probably got better things to do than rescuing your idiot boyfriend, but…”

“It’s fine, babe, I wasn’t busy, and lucky for you I know a few things about gettin’ into locked cars.” Dee grinned as he produced a handy tool he’d had since his early teens, handed down to him by one of the older kids at the orphanage, who’d been something of a juvenile delinquent, despite all Mother’s efforts to teach him the error of his ways. “Stand back, this’ll only take a few seconds. Hah! Looks like I still got the knack!”

But just as Dee got the door open, a patrol car pulled up and they found themselves at gunpoint. Apparently, someone in a nearby building had called the police to report that two men were trying to break into a car.

“Stand away from the vehicle, hands where I can see them,” the younger of the two patrolmen snapped.

“It’s okay, we’re cops,” Dee said, raising his hands and turning slowly.

“Dee Laytner? My God, I almost didn’t recognise you outta uniform.”

A broad smile spread across Dee’s face. “Hey, Mike. How’re ya doin’?”

“Good, thanks. What the hell are you up to, breakin’ into cars? Last I heard, you’d made detective.” Officer Mike Wells holstered his gun and told his partner to stand down.

“You heard right,” Dee confirmed. “I’m with the two-seven these days.”

“Good for you. So, what’re you doin’ out here, you workin’ a case? ‘Cause if y’are, you’re a bit outside the two-seven’s jurisdiction.”

“Nah, I’m just helpin’ my partner out. His kid borrowed the car and locked the keys in it.”

Mike laughed. “My oldest did that with his first car the day he bought it. Laughed my ass off; he had a spare key for it, but the numbskull had put it in the glovebox. Called me in a panic. I sorted him out; called a buddy of mine who’s good with locks.” He shook his head. “That was last year. Me and the wife still tease him about it. Well, since there’s no crime bein’ committed, I guess me and the rookie here best get back on patrol.” Mike turned to Ryo, offering his hand. “Don’t be too hard on your kid; everyone screws up now and then. You have a good day now.”

“Thanks. Nice meeting you.” Ryo didn’t know what else to say.

“Likewise.” Mike shook Dee’s hand as well. “Don’t be a stranger, call me sometime, unless you’re too high and mighty now you’re a detective and I’m still in uniform.”

“You know me better than that, Mike, or ya should. I wouldn’t be where I am now if ya hadn’t pushed me as hard as ya did. I couldn’t have had a better trainin’ officer.”

“You got that right. If this kid turns into half as good a cop as you have, I’ll be well pleased,” Mike said, gesturing with his thumb towards his current partner.

“With you trainin’ him, he’ll do fine.” Dee nodded to the rookie. “You got one of the best trainin’ officers in the NYPD showin’ ya the ropes. Don’t let him down.”

“I won’t, detective.” The rookie saluted smartly before scurrying back to the man in charge of his training.

“I don’t know what was more embarrassing,” Ryo said a few minutes later, as the patrol car pulled away. “Locking myself out of my own car, or almost getting arrested for trying to break into it.”

“Good thing Mike recognised me from my rookie days,” Dee said. “Saved us all a lot of trouble.”

Ryo nodded agreement. “That was lucky. Why’d you blame Bikky though? That wasn’t fair, not when it was my own stupid mistake. He wasn’t even here.”

“And he’ll never know I threw him under the bus. I just figured you were embarrassed enough already without havin’ a couple of uniforms laughin’ at ya. Anyway, who did it hurt?”

“Nobody, I guess.”

“Exactly. Sometimes a little white lie is justified.” Dee folded his arms over his chest and gave Ryo a stern look. “So, did ya learn your lesson?” He was trying hard not to smirk, but it was obvious to Ryo that his partner was enjoying this, and would no doubt tease him about it later.

“I did. I’m never leaving my spare key at home again.”

“Good. Nothin’ wrong with makin’ mistakes as long as ya learn from them, that’s what Mother always told me. Just don’t go puttin’ both keys on the same keyring, ‘kay?”

“I won’t, I’m not that stupid. As soon as I get home, I’ll put the spare on with my house keys.”

“That should work. Right, I’ll let ya get back to your errands, or whatever it was you were doin’ before this little mishap.”

“Thanks, Dee; I owe you. If you’re not busy tonight, why don’t you come over for dinner?”

“Y’know I’m never gonna say no to that. I’ll see ya tonight. What time?”

“Around seven?”

“Great. See ya later. You need me to bring anything?”

“Just yourself.” Ryo turned away and slammed his car door closed, then froze. “Oh God! Not again!”

The keys were still in the ignition; the patrol car had pulled up before he could remove them, and somehow it had slipped his mind.

Dee laughed so hard he nearly fell over.

“Only you!”

The End

fic, fake fic, ryo maclean, fic: one-shot, dee laytner, other character/s, fake, fan_flashworks, fic: pg

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