Fic: One Good Friend

Sep 21, 2023 18:33

Title: One Good Friend
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Ianto, Tosh.
Rating: PG
Word Count: 995
Summary: It’s when times are hardest that you really find out who your friends are.
Spoilers: Cyberwoman, Countrycide, Greeks Bearing Gifts.
Written For: cozy_coffee’s prompt ‘Any, any & any, “There is nothing better than a friend, unless it is a friend with chocolate.” -Linda Grayson’ at comment_fic.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood or any of the characters.

After the whole Lisa debacle, out of all his colleagues at Torchwood Three, it was Toshiko who showed Ianto the greatest kindness. From buying him a coffee on his first day back at the Hub, to countless gentle smiles, words of sympathy, and enquiries as to how he was, she was simply there for him in her own unobtrusive way, never putting pressure on him but always letting him know that he wasn’t as alone as he’d thought.

He'd appreciated it far more than he could ever put into words, mostly because he still felt so guilty and ashamed over having betrayed the team, although he didn’t feel he deserved her compassion. Then had come the ill-fated trip to the Brecon Beacons, investigating a series of mysterious disappearances, and the sickening discovery that the missing people had fallen victim to modern-day cannibals…

Regaining consciousness in the dark, dank basement, only to discover the piles of shoes, and the refrigerator filled with human body parts, had been beyond horrifying, and yet Tosh had remained calm and composed, doing her best to keep Ianto from panicking too. It had made him feel even more ashamed, because she was so small and delicate, and there he was, six-feet tall, young, strong, and fit, falling apart and being completely useless. He was a Torchwood Agent, he silently berated himself, he should be better than that, especially considering everything he’d been through at Canary Wharf, so when the opportunity had presented, he’d pulled himself together and acted without hesitation, headbutting one of the cannibals right in the face, giving Tosh the chance to escape.

She’d thanked him later, once the battered and traumatised team were safely back in Cardiff, told Jack how brave and selfless he’d been, and while he couldn’t help feeling she was exaggerating, it had warmed his heart. That, he supposed, was when their friendship had really begun.

Ianto had still been grieving over Lisa, but more and more, when he was around Tosh, either working with her on a project or idly chatting, he’d found himself smiling, even laughing. Her companionship made the pain in his heart ease a little. There was nothing romantic in the way he felt about her, and no physical attraction, she was more like a sister to him, but he welcomed her quiet, undemanding company, and enjoyed spending time with her.

In many ways she seemed as lonely as he was, and when he saw the way she looked at Owen, he found himself wishing the irascible medic would open his eyes and see what was right in front of him. Tosh deserved to be loved, even if, in Ianto’s opinion, Owen was nowhere near good enough for her.

Neither, it turned out, was Mary; the alien woman had tricked Tosh, used her, then held a knife to her throat, threatening Tosh’s life to get what she wanted. Mary had lost, of course, because Jack was only too willing to prove how ruthless he could be. In truth, Ianto was a little shocked that Torchwood’s leader could send the alien to a fiery death in the heart of the sun without a moment’s hesitation or regret. Then again, he’d been just as merciless when he’d executed what remained of Lisa.

It was empathy that made Ianto offer to debrief his friend in Jack’s place; he knew how it felt to lose a loved one at Jack’s hands, and he thought Tosh might find talking to him easier, or at least less stressful, than talking to their boss. It was the least he could do to repay all the kindness she’d shown him over the past few months.

Ianto knew Tosh had a private conversation with Jack later, before heading home; Jack told him about it, and assured him she’d be fine, but Ianto wasn’t so sure. He didn’t think she should be alone, especially not in the house where she’d spent time with Mary. Even though the relationship had been short-lived, the familiar surroundings would only serve to remind her of all she’d lost, and torment her with thoughts of everything that might have been. What Tosh needed was company, someone to take her mind off recent events, so Ianto grabbed his things, told Jack goodnight, and headed out.

When she opened the door in response to his knock, Tosh looked surprised to see him. Her eyes were red rimmed from crying, but she managed a teary smile.

“Ianto. Hi.”

“Hope I’m not intruding, but I thought maybe you could use a friend,” Ianto said. “I come bearing chocolate. Also, wine,” he added, holding both out towards her. “I was going to bring DVDs too, but I couldn’t think of anything that wouldn’t be wildly inappropriate under the circumstances.”

That earned him a more genuine smile. “Chocolate, wine, and a friend are more than enough. Please, come in.”

Ianto followed her inside and closed the door, hanging his coat up and toeing off his shoes before making his way into the lounge. “Just so you know,” he said as he sat down on the sofa and opened the wine. “If you don’t want to stay here tonight, or any other night, you’re always welcome at mine. I have a spare bedroom; it’s a bit on the small side, but it’s yours anytime you need it.”

“Thank you, Ianto, I appreciate it; you’re a good friend.”

“So are you.” Ianto poured wine into the two glasses Tosh fetched. “You were there for me when I needed a friend, and I’ll never forget that. I don’t have a lot of friends.”

“Neither do I, which should come as no surprise; it’s hard to meet people working where we do.” Tosh opened the chocolates, setting the box on the sofa between them. “But I don’t think I need a lot.” She smiled at him and touched his hand. “Not as long as I have one really good friend who cares enough to bring chocolates.”

The End

comment_fic, fic, ianto/lisa, tosh/mary, jack harkness, ianto jones, toshiko sato, torchwood fic, fic: pg

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