BtVS Double Drabble: No Turning Back

Sep 06, 2023 18:36

Title: No Turning Back
Fandom: BtVS
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Buffy, Joyce, Angel/Angelus.
Rating: PG
Written For: Challenge 362: Burning Bridges at drabble_weekly.
Spoilers/Setting: Becoming.
Summary: Heading for her final confrontation with Angelus, Buffy knows she’s doing the only thing she can, even if it means being disowned by her mom.
Disclaimer: I don’t own BtVS, or the characters.
A/N: Double drabble.

That was that then. As Buffy left her mom standing in the kitchen, she knew whatever happened next, going back wouldn’t be an option. Her mom had said as much, that if she left, she shouldn’t even think of coming back. Well, fine.

It wasn’t like there’d been any other choice she could make, Buffy knew she had to keep Angelus from awakening the demon Acathla, and time was running out. If she didn’t go, the world would be sucked into hell, which wouldn’t do anyone any good, and if she left, her mom would basically disown her. It was a no-win situation, at least for Buffy. For the rest of the world…

She was the Slayer, and more to the point, she was responsible for this whole mess. If she’d never slept with Angel, if she’d killed Angelus sooner… But there was no point in thinking that way. She couldn’t undo what she’d done, she could only do her best to fix it, even if she wound up being killed in the process. That might even be the best result, provided she took Angelus with her.

Whatever happened next, she couldn’t go home again. That bridge was already burned.

The End

fic, buffy summers, drabble_weekly, btvs, joyce summers, angelus, buffy fic, drabble, fic: pg, angel

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