Title: Regrets
Fandom: FAKE
badly_knittedCharacters: Jess, Dee.
Rating: PG
Written For: Challenge 362: Burning Bridges at
Setting: Vol. 6, Act 18.
Summary: As Jess lays dying, he has time to regret his mistakes.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.
A/N: Double drabble.
Lying in the dirt, bleeding out, knowing he was dying, Jess counted his regrets. He knew he’d screwed up badly, ever since he’d taken that first wrong step. Police corruption was a slippery slope, and what had seemed relatively innocent the first time he’d accepted a bribe had gotten out of his control so fast it had left him reeling.
He'd told himself at the time that he was doing it for Dee’s sake. Raising a kid was expensive, and Mother Lane had needed all the help she could get. Contributing financially to Dee’s upbringing had seemed a noble thing to do, but looking back, Jess realised he’d been using that as an excuse for his stupidity. If he’d never taken that first bribe, things might be so different now.
And inevitably, Dee, the one person whose opinion mattered, had found out. Jess had wanted to be a good role model for the boy, to keep him on the right path, help him make something of himself despite his poor start to life.
‘I’ve burned all my bridges there,’ Jess thought hazily. ‘Thrown everything away. Now I won’t be there for him. Can’t even say sorry for letting him down.’
The End