FAKE Fic: Good Morning [NSFW]

Sep 01, 2023 18:30

Title: Good Morning
Fandom: FAKE
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Ryo, Dee.
Rating: NC-17
Setting: After Vol. 7.
Summary: Ryo decides he and Dee should make the most of their weekend off, especially since Bikky is away; only trouble is, Dee is still asleep…
Word Count: 2170
Written For: Bring Back the Porn 2023. Also for enchanted_jae, who wanted me to write Ryo waking Dee by kissing and stroking him.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.

When it came to sex, Ryo generally left it to Dee to make the first move. He still felt awkward about taking the initiative even though he was pretty sure Dee was unlikely to turn him down. Dee had been a horndog since before they’d met, and even after being together for more than a year, he was still insatiable, wanting sex far more often than Ryo did. One of the most important things they’d learned since becoming a couple was the art of compromise. Successful relationships required a certain amount of give and take.

This morning though, Ryo had woken early, feeling restless and edgy, so he’d gotten up in order to avoid disturbing Dee, who’d slept over. They’d both been exhausted the night before, having just come off a very busy double shift, and Ryo could only hazily remember them both dropping their clothes on the floor and collapsing into bed. He must’ve gone out like a light the moment his head had touched the pillow and slept like the proverbial log, because now he felt refreshed and wide-awake. Dee, however, was still sleeping.

They’d got the whole the weekend off, two blissful days to do anything they liked, so Dee was certainly entitled to sleep in if he wanted to, which he most likely did because one thing Ryo knew about his partner was that Dee never missed an opportunity to sleep. That left Ryo at a bit of a loose end; he’d already taken the laundry down to the laundry room in the basement, so that was getting done, and he knew he could get on with some cleaning, as long as he didn’t use the vacuum cleaner, but… despite the apartment needing a good going over, Ryo found he didn’t particularly want to do it.

Bikky was over at Carol’s for the weekend, he wouldn’t be home until the following evening, and maybe it was knowing there was no chance of them being interrupted that made him so bold. Slipping quietly back into his bedroom, where Dee snoozed on, dead to the world, Ryo shed his clothes and slid beneath the covers again. Propping himself on one elbow, he looked down into Dee’s sleeping face; he looked so peaceful it almost seemed a shame to disturb him. Still, nothing ventured, nothing gained. With the tips of his fingers, Ryo brushed the hair back from Dee’s forehead and placed a light kiss there, followed by one to the tip of his nose, and one on Dee’s stubbly jaw. Leaning forward, he kissed Dee softly on the lips and drew back.

Dee stirred slightly, murmuring something unintelligible, and Ryo smiled, leaning in for another, longer kiss. Beneath the covers, he ran his hand across the smooth, muscular expanse of Dee’s chest, tweaking a nipple in passing, while simultaneously nipping at Dee’s lower lip. Dee drew a sharp breath, letting it out in a low moan. Made bolder by the sound, Ryo let his hand drift gradually lower, ghosting across Dee’s ribs and down over his flat belly to tangle his fingers in the thatch of wiry hair at his lover’s groin, where he found Dee already hard and eager. He tugged his lover’s cock lightly a couple of times before letting go and sliding his hand up Dee’s side again.

Drowsy emerald eyes slowly fluttered open, and Dee smiled lazily up at him. “Don’t know what’s gotten into you this mornin’,” he murmured, his voice still rough with sleep, “but I definitely approve. You can wake me like this any time you want.”

Ryo grinned, already turned on himself even though Dee hadn’t so much as touched him. “Good, because you haven’t seen anything yet; this is only the warm-up.”

“That right?” Dee’s smile widened and he started to roll over, but Ryo stopped him.

“Don’t move, stay exactly as you are; today it’s my turn to have fun.”

“Anything you say, babe. Just one thing I gotta know; am I allowed to touch you, or do I haveta keep my hands to myself?”

“Hmmm.” Ryo gave that some thought; he might have been tempted to go with the no touching rule, except that it would mean denying himself the pleasure of Dee’s experienced hands seeking out all of his pleasure centres and playing beautiful music on them. “I guess you can touch me, unless I tell you to stop, but you’re not to touch yourself. Okay?”

He met Dee’s eyes until the other man nodded, then leaned in for a slow, deep kiss, ignoring the fact that both of them had morning breath. He wasn’t about to interrupt this and insist they both brush their teeth first; if he did that, he might lose his nerve and chicken out. No, he had to go through with this so that next time it would be easier for him to make the first move. Dee was clearly enjoying him taking charge and despite a faint fluttering of nerves in his stomach, Ryo was enjoying it too. Maybe it wasn’t nerves he was feeling but excitement.

Shoving the covers back, so he could see what he was doing, Ryo let his gaze wander over his lover’s body, considering how he should begin. Catching Dee watching him, he blushed.

“Like what you see?” Dee asked, sounding amused.

“You know I do.” Ryo bit his lip. This had been a lot easier when his partner was still asleep; having Dee watching his every move was a little unnerving. Then he had a brainwave. “Close your eyes and keep them closed. I want you to just feel.”

“I can do that.” Closing his eyes, Dee spread his arms out to his sides so that Ryo had easy access to his whole body, with nothing to get in the way. Flat up against his belly now, his erection twitched. “How’s this?”

“Perfect.” Kneeling beside Dee on the mattress, Ryo leaned down to brush a soft kiss across his lover’s lips, pulling back as Dee tried to deepen it. “Behave,” he admonished. “Otherwise I’ll stop.”

“Don’t want that.” Without opening his eyes, Dee slid one hand across the bed, finding Ryo’s knee and sliding upwards, fingertips brushing the sensitive skin of his inner thigh.

Ryo gasped. “No fair.”

“You said I could touch.”

“I did, but now you’re distracting me. I can’t concentrate with your hand there.”

Dee laughed. “Oh, I’m good!”

“Too good sometimes.” Trying to ignore Dee’s teasing fingers, Ryo reached to run one hand over Dee’s broad chest, tracing the muscles beneath the warm skin, sharply pinching a nipple to draw a yelp and a chuckle from Dee’s lips.

“Guess I deserved that.”

“Guess you did.” Shifting, Ryo swung his leg over his partner, straddling Dee’s thighs and bringing his other hand into play, running both palms up Dee’s chest to his shoulders, then down his arms to grip his wrists, pulling Dee’s hand away from his leg and pinning both hands to the bed. “Now I’ve got your attention and you can’t distract me…” He nipped his way along Dee’s jaw, down his neck, and along one collarbone, making the younger man shiver with pleasure.

“God, that feels…” Dee trailed off into a moan as Ryo nibbled and licked his way down to a nipple, sucking on it, then tugging lightly with his teeth.

Once upon a time, Ryo had found the idea of having someone lick him, or of doing the same to someone else, completely baffling. Over the last year or so, however, he’d learned just how sensitive the human body, both his own and Dee’s, could be to such delicate stimulation. He grinned against Dee’s chest.

“Like that, do you?”

“Damn right I do!”

Releasing Dee’s wrists, Ryo sucked at one nipple while rolling the other between his fingers. Dee immediately retaliated by running his hands up Ryo’s thighs, grabbing his butt, and squeezing the firmly rounded flesh.

“Bastard!” Ryo sucked up a love bite just above Dee’s right nipple. “You’re lucky I didn’t accidentally bite something off.”

“Would’a been worth it.” Dee was, as always, unrepentant.

“Baka!” Kissing the love bite, Ryo slid backwards along Dee’s legs until his ass was beyond his partner’s reach, then continued licking and kissing his way down Dee’s body, nibbling along the bottom of his ribcage, where Dee was most ticklish, and making him squirm. He relented after a moment, peppering kisses across Dee’s flat stomach, dipping the tip of his tongue into his lover’s bellybutton as Dee’s fingers clutched at whatever part of Ryo he could reach.

Peeping up at his lover through his eyelashes, Ryo grinned, dipped his head again, and licked a stripe up the underside of Dee’s cock. Dee’s hips jerked upwards in response, but not very far since Ryo’s weight was pinning his legs down. He pulled back a little, his grin widening at the effect he was having.

“Don’t stop!” Dee groaned. “Please, babe, I’m beggin’ here!”

It was oddly empowering to have so much control over his lover; Ryo felt almost giddy, but could he really do this? He’d only given Dee a couple of clumsy blowjobs in the past, and always stopped before his lover came… Well, he could do that again and finish Dee with his hand or something, so he gripped his partner’s hips firmly to keep him still, then slowly licked along his length once more, swirling his tongue around the head of Dee’s cock, tasting the salty, bittersweet tang of pre-come.

Dee’s breathing was ragged by now, one hand tangling in Ryo’s hair, the other clutching at the bed. Shifting up a bit, Ryo took the head of Dee’s cock in his mouth and slid his lips down, taking in as much of his lover’s length as he could manage, then back up to suck on the head, setting up a slow rhythm. All the while, Dee was muttering…

“Good, so good, don’t stop, god, that feels… god, good…”

Time seemed to stand still for Ryo, all his concentration was focused on the weight and texture of his lover’s cock in his mouth, on bringing Dee pleasure, listening to the words spilling from Dee’s mouth. HE was doing this to Dee, making his partner practically incoherent, and it was good, but it wasn’t enough for Ryo; he needed to feel Dee against him, and after several long, pleasurable minutes, with a twinge of regret, he let Dee’s cock slide from his lips.

Before Dee could even get his brain in gear enough to protest the sudden loss of stimulation, Ryo surged forward, lowering himself over his lover, his own erection, neglected until now, pressing against the hot dampness of his lover’s cock.

Dee gave a grunt of surprise, his eyes snapping open as his arms automatically wrapped around Ryo, holding him close.

“Need to feel you,” Ryo gasped against his lips.

“You only had to ask.” Dee’s hands immediately slid down to grip Ryo’s ass again, pulling his lover tightly against him as he jerked upwards, their cocks rubbing together, creating delicious friction as Ryo pressed down, thrusting against him.

Their lips met briefly in an awkward kiss, and then Ryo’s forehead was resting against Dee’s bare shoulder as they moved rhythmically together, sending sparks of pleasure racing through every inch of their bodies.

Ryo found himself wishing this could last forever, the sensations so intense they almost took his breath away, but by now they were both far too turned on to last very long. They were both leaking continuously, the wetness of pre-come spreading between them as their movements speeded up, until with a grunt and a muttered curse, Dee came in a rush. Ryo’s hips jerked again, once, twice, and then he was coming too, feeling the heat spread between their bodies as he shuddered through the aftershocks then stilled, falling limp and utterly spent on top of Dee, breathing hard.

He couldn’t move, all the strength seemed to have gone out of him and it felt like his head was floating somewhere up near the ceiling.

“Whooo!” Dee gasped breathlessly near his ear. “That’s one way to say good mornin’. I’d have you wake me up that way every day if I could.”

Still not moving, Ryo managed to dredge up enough energy to mumble something about them never getting to work on time, or at all, if they did that.

“Yeah, it’s probably a good thing we’re not workin’ today. Maybe after we take a nap, you can wake me up again.”

Turning his head slightly, Ryo cracked open one eye, staring blearily into Dee’s ear. “No chance; if you want a repeat performance, you’ll have to wait until tomorrow, assuming I can remember how my body works by then.”

Dee laughed, rolling so they were both lying on their sides. “In that case, maybe I’ll wake you up later.”

Ryo smiled lazily, drifting half asleep on a haze of endorphins. “Maybe I’ll even let you.” It was something to look forward to.

The End

fic, fic: nc-17, fake fic, bbtp_challenge, ryo maclean, fic: one-shot, dee laytner, fake

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