BtVS Ficlet: Lost In A Kiss

Jun 29, 2023 18:59

Title: Lost In A Kiss
Fandom: BtVS
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Angel, Buffy.
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Ted.
Summary: It’s just a kiss, and yet it’s so much more than that, something it’s difficult to put into words.
Word Count: 847
Written For: angelus2hot’s prompt ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel/Buffy Summers, The Kiss by Auguste Rodin,’ at comment_fic.
Disclaimer: I don’t own BTVS, or the characters.

As the Slayer, Buffy should probably be used to this by now, the way her life seems to lurch from one crisis to the next without a break for her to catch her breath. A few days ago she was rescuing Angel from Spike and Dru’s clutches, and now her mom has a new, seriously creepy boyfriend.

It’s not what Buffy wants, she’d rather have her mom and dad back together again, but for the first time she’s starting to realise that’s not gonna happen. Her mom is moving on, embracing the life of a single woman, meeting new people, making new friends, but does she have to snog them in the kitchen where anyone can walk in on them? It’s disturbing in ways Buffy would prefer not to try putting into words. She has a feeling it would make her look like a petulant brat instead of the young woman fast approaching adulthood she wants people to see her as.

On a brighter note, Angel is recovering from his ordeal, the wound in his hand closing, although Buffy has no intention of stopping her twice daily visits to change his bandages anytime soon. Besides, Angel is the only person she can talk to about Ted; everyone else is unfairly biased in Ted’s favor, all because of those stupid mini pizzas. Angel is more open-minded, able to look at the situation from all perspectives, even if he ends up gently chiding her for not understanding how badly her mom needs adult company. She knows he’s right, but that doesn’t mean she has to like it. Not right away, at least; some adjustments take time.

Patient as he is though, there’s still a limit to how much Ted talk even Angel can endure. Buffy’s okay with that because she feels heard now when she hadn’t before, what with everyone else, even Giles, dismissing her concerns. She feels lighter somehow, so the change of subject is welcome.

“Kiss me.”

Buffy loves that teasing smile, the warmth in Angel’s brown eyes, the knowledge that he wants her here, with him, no matter what. She has no problem giving in to his request, because it IS a request, even if worded as an order. Angel would never force her. She can say ‘No’ any time, knowing he’ll respect her right to do so. Not that she has any intention of refusing.

“Finally, something I wanna do!”

She leans in for a kiss, hardly more than a gentle peck, because the position is kinda awkward. That’s easily fixed though; all she has to do is slide off the chair arm and into Angel’s lap, which is way more comfy.

Winding her arm around Angel’s neck, his skin feels cool against her warmth, but it barely registers. She’s used to his lack of body heat, and anyway, she’s hot enough for the both of them. She can’t help smirking slightly against his lips as that thought crosses her mind, feels an answering smile on Angel’s lips as he pulls her closer, deepening the kiss, his arm around her waist, supporting her, his other hand resting on her hip.

Through her clothes she can feel his thumb lightly stroking, and wishes he was touching her bare skin, then blushes at the thought. It doesn’t keep her from pressing closer, her softness against his firm, muscular chest. She’s seen him without his shirt, has memorised the contours of his upper body, can bring the image to mind easily.

Angel’s lips are softer than those of any other boy she’s kissed. Not that there have been that many for her to compare him too, just three or four, but still… He kisses better too; her previous boyfriends could have used a few pointers, because their technique was seriously lacking. With Angel it’s like he’s exploring her mouth with a leisurely thoroughness, tasting her, drinking her in, and it sends a delicious tingle down her spine.

Kissing Angel is… an almost spiritual experience, something to be savored, revelled in. She can give herself over to it completely, knowing she doesn’t have to worry about wandering hands straying to places that are off-limits. She does sometimes wish Angel would let his hands wander just a bit, but she’s not sure she’s quite ready for that just yet, and Angel seems to instinctively know.

In Angel’s arms is the safest place Buffy knows. There’s no pressure, no responsibility to put her life on the line for people she doesn’t know, no need to even think; all she needs to do is feel. She melts closer to him, vaguely wondering if Angel can feel the way her heart’s pounding. Surely he must; his arm tightens around her, and he sighs against her lips. The world and everything in it goes away; nothing exists but the two of them, and time slips past without either of them noticing, lost as they are in each other. Eternity could pass, the universe could come to an end, and Buffy thinks she wouldn’t even care, just as long as Angel keeps on kissing her.

The End

comment_fic, fic, buffy summers, btvs, fic: pg-13, buffy fic, fic: one-shot, ficlet, angel

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