Ficlet: Soup Day

Jun 22, 2023 18:49

Title: Soup Day
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Ianto, Meriel, Nosy.
Rating: G
Spoilers: Nada.
Summary: It’s a miserably rainy Saturday in June, no good for playing outside, so Meriel helps Ianto with some cooking.
Word Count: 500
Written For: Prompt 294: Soup at anythingdrabble.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.

Ianto stood at the French doors, staring gloomily out at the pouring rain. It was coming down so hard that he could barely see the nearest flowerbeds, but he knew the plants must be taking a battering. He sighed. So much for summer; if the current weather conditions were anything to go by, it looked like being a complete wash-out.

“Is it STILL raining?” five-year-old Meriel asked, coming to stand beside her Taddy.

“Afraid so, sweetheart. It’s coming down so hard, if we weren’t so high up, we’d probably drown.”

“Don’t be silly, Taddy. We wouldn’t get drownded because we can swim. Nosy can’t, but we wouldn’t let it drown. It could use my rubber ring.”

The image of a Fluff bobbing about in the water wearing a rubber ring was enough to bring a smile to Ianto’s face. “You’re quite right, of course,” he agreed. “If the water got too deep, we’d just swim to safety. We’re safe up here though.”

“Good. I don’t really want to swim today. I don’t want to go to the park either. It wouldn’t be any fun in the rain.” Going to the play park on Saturday mornings, provided the weather was good enough, had been a tradition since Meriel learned to walk. “The swings and the slide would be all wet.”

“Maybe the weather will be better tomorrow, and Daddy can take you then.”

“Mmm, maybe.” Meriel watched the rain for a few moments in silence. Then, “Taddy, are all the flowers going to be washed away?”

“I don’t think so, but they’re probably getting flattened into the mud. There’ll be a lot of tidying up to do once the rain stops. If it ever does.” Ianto turned away from the window. “You know, with the weather being so wet and chilly, I think today should be a soup day. How would you like to help Taddy make a big pot of homemade soup for lunch?”

“Can we put carrots in it? Nosy loves carrots. And potatoes, and beans, and celery!”

“All of those things and more. We’ll see what we’ve got and just put everything in there.” Ianto smiled at his daughter.

“Yay! Not meat though. Nosy doesn’t like meat.”

“No meat, it’ll be our world-famous Every Vegetable Soup.”

Meriel jumped up and down in excitement, her gloom over the bad weather completely forgotten. “We’re going to make the bestest soup ever!”

So they did. There were potatoes and carrots, swede and turnip, several kinds of beans, celery, tomatoes, peas, peppers, onions, shredded cabbage, broccoli, part of a cauliflower left over from the previous night’s cauliflower cheese, herbs for flavouring, and even some mushrooms.

Standing on her special stool, which Taddy had made for her so she could help in the kitchen, Meriel stirred the big pot of soup under Ianto’s watchful eye. “It smells yummy!”

“Very yummy,” Ianto agreed. “And there should be enough that we can freeze some for another day.”

“You know, Taddy, I really like soup days.”

The End

anythingdrabble, fic, jack/ianto, meriel, nosy, ianto jones, torchwood fic, fic: one-shot, ficlet, nosy-verse, fic: g

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