FAKE Fic: Dream Come True

Jun 09, 2023 18:25

Title: Dream Come True
Fandom: FAKE
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Dee, Ryo, Bikky.
Rating: PG
Setting: Throughout the manga, and after Like Like Love.
Summary: Ever since they met, Dee has wanted Ryo all to himself. Now that dream is finally coming true.
Word Count: 1314
Written For: Jae's Monthly Drabble Challenge 198 - All To Myself.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.

There was a basic pattern to how romantic relationships were supposed to go. Guy meets guy, or girl, but in this case it was a guy. They get together, fall in love, then if things work out, if they’re lucky, they get their happily ever after. If things don’t work out, the guy finds another guy, or a girl, and tries again, and again, until eventually the right one comes along and they just… fit.

Dee had started the dating game pretty young, with his first proper kiss at the tender age of nine. He’d loved and lost a fair few times since then, sometimes being the one who broke things off, and other times being the one who got dumped, but that was life; most people went through the same stuff.

Then, just when he least expected it, he met the guy he was sure would be the one, but before he could really get started with the romancing, he’d run into kind of a roadblock. Not just Ryo’s totally unreasonable insistence that he was straight, because that self-delusion had been something Dee had known he could unravel with a bit of time and persistence, but the fact that mere hours after they met Ryo had jumped headlong into single fatherhood before Dee could even get his foot in the door.

So, instead of being able to focus completely on winning the object of his desires, Dee had found himself trying to work around an unexpected obstacle. If Dee was the irresistible force, then Bikky Goldman was the immovable object.

Not that Dee was completely unsympathetic to the brat’s plight. In his short life Bikky had already lost two parents, before being lucky enough to find another one in Ryo. Looked at objectively, it was only natural that the kid might be a bit overprotective when it came to his foster father. Dee couldn’t even blame the kid for wanting Ryo all to himself, because that was exactly the same thing Dee wanted. Trouble was, neither of them could take full and complete possession of Ryo Maclean, because he was a person, with his own ideas and opinions, not a thing to be owned, and fostering Bikky had been his choice. It was a done deal, and as Ryo’s work partner, Dee had no say in the matter.

Even though they’d only just met, Dee knew that once Ryo had made the decision, nothing and nobody was going to make him give Bikky up, and despite finding the runt beyond annoying, Dee would never have asked him to. Truth was, he admired his partner’s willingness to take in the orphaned ten-year-old. It showed how caring and compassionate Ryo was, and if his partner could love a parentless street kid then maybe he could make room in his heart for Dee as well.

Sharing Ryo was difficult though. Dee knew that Bikky had to be his partner’s priority. Ryo would always put him first because Bikky was a little kid who needed someone to look after him, whereas Dee was an adult, and therefore perfectly able to take care of himself; he’d already been doing it for years. Plus, Bikky was Ryo’s foster son, which made him family, while to begin with, Dee had just been Ryo’s friend and work partner. Dee had known he had a lot of work ahead of him if he was ever going to have the kind of relationship with Ryo that he wanted, but he was willing to put in the effort. Growing up, Mother had drummed into him that the best things in life were worth working for, and anyway, faint heart never won fair Ryo.

The biggest hurdle Dee had to overcome was getting Ryo to stop hiding from the truth and accept that he was not only gay, but also in love with him. That only took Dee three years. Only. Hah! Three years of sheer torture and getting beaten up by the rugrat on a regular basis! Between Bikky and JJ, Dee had been permanently black and blue. Hell, even after he and Ryo had moved their relationship to the next level, Bikky had still been looking for any excuse to continue his unprovoked attacks, until Ryo had eventually put his foot down.

For the next few years, Ryo had done his best to keep up with the demands for his attention, making sure neither his son nor his lover felt neglected, while Dee and Bikky did their best to tolerate each other’s presence. Some days they were more successful at that than others, but at least they were trying. That counted for something, right? Each time one of them managed to get Ryo all to themselves for a while it was like scoring a small victory over their rival, although most of the time they still had to share. Somehow it never seemed to bother Ryo, who seemed to enjoy being the center of both their worlds.

Now, eight years after they’d all first met each other, Bikky was no longer a little kid, dependent on his foster father for everything. He was eighteen, already over six feet tall, and heading to college in LA on a basketball scholarship, while Dee had recently been given the opportunity to take over the other top floor apartment in his building and double his living space. Serendipity? You bet! The timing couldn’t have been more perfect if it had been planned, and he’d wasted no time in asking Ryo to move in with him. Better still, Ryo had accepted his offer, and now, here they were.

Ryo set the box he was carrying down on the floor of Dee’s huge apartment and pushed his hair out of his eyes. “Well, that’s the last of it.”

Dee grinned; the move had gone smoother than he’d expected. “Here ya go, babe.” He held out a bottle of beer, cap off and condensation dewing the glass. “Figure you could probably do with a cold one about now.”

“Thanks.” Ryo accepted the bottle but before he could take a drink, Dee raised his own.

“How ‘bout a toast?”

Puzzled, Ryo frowned at his lover. “A toast? What to?”

“Us, of course, doofus! The start of our life together, movin’ into our new home.”

“Technically you already live here but I’ll drink to that.” Ryo clinked his bottle against Dee’s. “To us, and our future.”

“May we always be at least as happy as we are right now,” Dee added, and they both drank.

“Well,” Ryo said after a moment’s silence, “I suppose we should get on with it. These boxes aren’t going to unpack themselves.”

“They can wait a few minutes while we catch our breath. Not like they’re goin’ anywhere.” Dee set his half empty bottle aside. “I’ve been waitin’ eight years for this moment; I wanna savor it.”

“You have?” Ryo gave his lover a slightly bemused smile.

“Yep! For the first time since we met, I get to have you completely, one hundred percent, all to myself instead of havin’ to share ya with the house ape. I mean, I get why it had to be that way, but still, all the time I was at the orphanage I had to share everything with the other kids. Then I grow up, move into a place of my own, finally find the man of my dreams and I haveta share you too. Not gonna lie, it’s been tough. Totally worth it though, ‘cause now…” Dee slipped his arms around Ryo’s waist, pulling him close. “You’re all mine, and I plan on tellin’ ya every day exactly how happy that makes me.”

Laughing, Ryo kissed Dee. “Idiot. I’ve always been yours, right from the start, even when I didn’t know it, and I always will be. Love you, Dee.”

“Love you too, babe. Forever ain’t gonna be long enough.”

The End

fic, fake fic, bikky, ryo maclean, fic: one-shot, dee laytner, fake, jae's monthly challenge, fic: pg

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