Title: Travelling On
badly_knittedCharacters: Ianto, Jack, Tallans.
Rating: PG
Written For: Challenge 764: Goodbyes & Farewells at
Spoilers: Nada.
Summary: Ianto and Jack are leaving their friends on Talla.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.
A/N: Double drabble. Set in my Through Time and Space ‘verse.
“This isn’t goodbye,” Ianto assured the gathering. “Just a farewell until our next visit.”
He and Jack had been on the Tallan homeworld for almost three months, enjoying the hospitality of Auber’s clan, treating their time there as an extended honeymoon, exploring the hills and plains their friends called home. They’d even taken groups of the Tallans to visit areas of their planet they would have never otherwise seen: the high mountains, the coastal lands, oceans, and islands.
Even the best times had to come to an end eventually, however. There were so many other worlds to visit, and other people who might need assistance the way Auber and his companions had. As wonderful as their time on Talla had been, it was time for Jack and Ianto to move on.
There’d been a big feast the night before, so all the local clans could gather and wish them well on their travels. It had been merry and festive, but this morning, with their departure imminent, everyone was a little subdued.
“We’ll be back in half a year,” Jack pointed out, because having a TARDIS meant they could make such promises.
“Be safe. We will look forward to your return.”
The End