Title: Introductions
badly_knittedCharacters: Jack, Team, OCs.
Rating: PG
Written For: Challenge 763: Genius at
Spoilers: Nada.
Summary: Jack introduces potential recruits to the existing team.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.
A/N: Double drabble.
Since Her Majesty had authorised a budget increase, Jack was busy recruiting additional personnel. The extra funds meant the team could be expanded to an even dozen, enough people that everyone would be able to have a regular day off, and a rota could be set up for monitoring the Rift overnight.
So far, they’d added a second medic and two field agents, which left four positions to fill. The list of applicants had been whittled down, and today the final six were getting the grand tour to see if they could handle the working conditions.
This was Jack’s favourite part when recruiting, bringing people into the Hub and introducing them not just to the team, but to their pets. Anyone who couldn’t deal with working around a Pteranodon and several alien Fluffs didn’t belong in Torchwood.
He ushered the group through the cog door. “You’ve already met Ianto, my second-in-command; these are the rest of my team. Gwen Cooper, Andy Davidson, Alun Evans, Doctors Owen Harper and Martha Jones, and Toshiko Sato, our resident genius. What she doesn’t know about computers and alien technology isn’t worth knowing.
Predictably, Tosh blushed. She’d never get used to being called a genius.
The End