Ficlet: Wind Chill

Jun 01, 2023 18:23

Title: Wind Chill
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Owen, Ianto.
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Nada.
Summary: It may be almost summer, but thanks to a cold north wind, Cardiff is suffering unexpectedly cold weather.
Word Count: 500
Content Notes: None necessary.
Written For: Prompt 291: Freezing at anythingdrabble.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.

“It’s supposed to be practically summer!” Owen moaned, coming into the Hub through the garage entrance. “It’s bloody freezing out!”

“Not much warmer in here,” Ianto agreed, following him in, wrapped in his winter coat and gloves.

“Goin’ to need thermal underwear if this keeps up. Global warming might be a thing, but it’s warming the wrong places. We could do with a bit of heat here in Cardiff.” Flapping his arms in an effort to warm himself up, Owen headed for his desk. “Fuck! It was warmer down here in the middle of bloody winter than it is now. I thought the heating was still supposed to be on!”

“It is, unless Jack went and turned it off. I’ll check the radiators in a bit, see if I can coax a bit more heat out of them.” Ianto pulled his gloves off and headed for the kitchen.

“In a bit? Why not now? Would’ve thought you’d want to warm up as much as I do. After bein’ out in that wind all morning it’s a miracle I don’t ‘ave icicles hanging off me.” Owen hunched in on himself, shivering.

Pausing outside the cramped kitchen area, Ianto raised an eyebrow. “Thought you might want a hot drink before I start tinkering with the heating. I know I do. Can’t hardly feel my hands.”

“Coffee?” The prospect perked Owen up a little.

“Unless you’d prefer tea.”

“No, coffee would be great.”

“That’s settled then. Hot coffee first, then I’ll see what I can do about the lack of heat.” Ianto resumed his progress towards the coffee machine, calling back over his shoulder, “With any luck I’ll have this place feeling less like a freezer by the time the others get back.”

The team had been out in Cefn Mabley Woods most of the morning, rounding up several small herbivores that Jack had decided to drive straight to the reservation. Tosh and Gwen had gone with him in the SUV to keep the agile little creatures from scrambling over the backseat and possibly causing a crash, while Owen and Ianto had returned to the Hub in Owen’s car.

“Coffee is served.” Ianto set a steaming mug on Owen’s desk then wrapped his hand around his own mug, relishing the warmth seeping into his fingers.

“Thanks, mate.” Owen clasped both hands around his mug and groaned as he took a sip. “God, I need this. End of May and anyone would think we’re enterin’ the next ice age!”

“Wind’s coming from the arctic circle, according to the forecast. Just be thankful we’re in Wales, not the Outer Hebrides. They’re getting snow up there.”

“Wouldn’t surprise me if it started snowin’ here an’ all.” Owen slurped noisily from his mug.

“If it does, I’ll break out the thermal blankets.” Ianto drained the last of his coffee. “Right, suppose I’d better see if I can sort out the heating.”

“Need a hand?”

“Wouldn’t say no if you’re offering.”

“Anything to keep from freezin’ to death.”

The End

anythingdrabble, fic, owen harper, fic: pg-13, ianto jones, torchwood fic, fic: one-shot, prompt me, ficlet

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