Title: Never Giving Up
Fandom: FAKE
badly_knittedCharacters: Dee, Ryo.
Rating: PG-13
Setting: After Vol. 7.
Summary: It took Dee a long time to win Ryo, but he was worth the time and effort.
Written Using: The tw100 prompt ‘Up’.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.
A/N: Double drabble.
Ryo was more tightly buttoned up than any dude or chick Dee had ever dated. He was obsessively neat, usually organised, and for the longest time, fiercely resistant to all of Dee’s advances. Probably Dee should have given up on seducing him within the first few weeks of working together, but having his desires frustrated over and over just made him all the more determined.
Maybe it was human nature; few things were more tempting than the unattainable and having to work to get something was supposed to make the getting sweeter. Dee didn’t know if that was true, but winning Ryo had been a sweet victory.
Buttoned up he might be, especially when working, but Dee was gradually introducing his lover to the concept of letting go. Watching Ryo come undone beneath him, or above him, or any which way he could think of, was something Dee was sure he’d never tire of.
He shuddered to think of all he would have missed out on if he’d given up his pursuit of Ryo and settled for being no more than work partners and friends. One thing was for sure: now he had Ryo, Dee was never giving him up.
The End