Ficlet: Having Fun - Follows ‘Flying Weather’

Feb 13, 2023 16:47

Title: Having Fun - Follows ‘ Flying Weather
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Ianto, Jack.
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Nada.
Summary: Jack and Ianto head for a secluded beach where Ianto can enjoy the wind coming off the sea.
Word Count: 500
Written For: Prompt 252: Gorgeous at anythingdrabble.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.
A/N: Set in my Were-Crow ‘Verse. For FranArian.

As eager as Ianto was to fly free on such a beautiful winter’s day, he insisted they should eat breakfast first, and take some food with them as well as coffee. Having eaten, he filled two flasks with Jack’s favourite blend, quickly changed into the casual clothes he kept in his locker, and they were on their way within the hour.

They made one brief stop at a small deli they liked, where they bought crusty filled rolls, freshly baked that morning, and a selection of muffins, and then they headed out of Cardiff and along the coast.

As Ianto had thought it would, the day was warming up nicely, gradually creeping into double figures, and the haziness of early morning had cleared, leaving the sky pale blue with a scattering of fleecy white clouds.

Some fifteen or so miles outside the city, Ianto pulled off the road onto scrubby wasteland near some dunes, beyond which was a beach he and Jack had visited before. It was suitably remote, not used much at this time of year except perhaps by the occasional dog walker or horse rider, and the dunes would provide shelter for Jack while Ianto was off flying.

Ianto changed in the car, first undressing and folding his clothes, which Jack put into a bag to take with them, and then transforming himself from naked and slightly cold human into sleek, black crow.

Jack watched the whole process, grinning. “Have I ever told you how gorgeous you are? And I don’t just mean in human form.” He leered at the crow perched on the driver’s seat headrest.

“You’d flirt with anything. Caw!”

“Hey, I can’t help it if I think you’re sexy!” Jack opened the passenger door and slipped out, picking up the bags with their food, Ianto’s clothing, and a blanket to sit on. “Coming?”

Hopping onto the passenger seat, Ianto flew from there onto Jack’s shoulder, waiting while Jack locked the car and put the keys in his pocket. Then, with a resounding CAW he leaped into the air, powerful wings sending him soaring into the sky.

Jack smiled, watching Ianto fly for a moment before making his way over the dunes and finding a good spot to spread the blanket. Settling himself comfortably, he scanned the wide expanse of blue overhead until he found Ianto, who was doing aerial acrobatics further along the beach.

Whether he was showing off or simply revelling in the freedom of flight on such a perfect late winter’s day, Jack couldn’t tell, but it didn’t matter. This day was all about his gorgeous lover getting to do whatever made him happy, and since becoming a Were-Crow, few things made him happier than flying.

After almost two hours of non-stop flight, soaring, hovering, and doing barrel rolls, Ianto glided down to the blanket beside Jack, shimmered, and changed back, reaching for his clothes.

“I’m about ready to eat.”

“Yes you are, gorgeous!” Pouncing, Jack kissed him. “Lunch can wait.”

“You’re insatiable!”

TBC in ' It's A Rush'

anythingdrabble, fic, jack/ianto, jack harkness, fic: sequel, ianto jones, torchwood fic, ficlet, fic: pg

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