FAKE Fic: Dirty Pool [NSFW]

Feb 03, 2023 16:52

Title: Dirty Pool
Fandom: FAKE
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Dee, Ryo.
Rating: NC-17
Setting: After Like Like Love.
Summary: Dee has splashed out on an expensive piece of furniture, but will Ryo appreciate its many uses? You bet he will!
Word Count: 2589
Content Notes: Unrepentant smut!
Written For: Challenge 190: Pool at fan_flashworks.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.

“So whaddaya think?” Dee asked his partner, showing off his new acquisition. He’d wanted to get something good with the money he’d saved by giving up smoking, but he’d had no idea what until he’d spotted this beauty.

Ryo stared at it in disbelief. “You bought a pool table?”

“Yup! It’s full-sized too, not one of those dumb half-sized ones yuppies buy for their dens. This…” Dee patted it affectionately, “is the genuine article!”

“You do know you’re crazy, right?” Ryo couldn’t help smiling.

“Why? I mean, there’s more than enough room in here now, and we both like to play. This way we don’t have to spend ages waitin’ around in smoky bars for a table to open up when we feel like a game, and it’ll save us money in the long run. Not only that, we can throw awesome alternative pool parties, have the guys over for a few beers and a game or two. Whichever way you look at it, we win!” Dee’s grin was so wide and happy it near enough split his head in half.

“Completely certifiable,” Ryo decided, shaking his head as he took his coat off and hung it in the closet. He’d just got in from work, but Dee had taken the day off, citing an important errand he had to run. Only now did Ryo understand what that errand had been.

“So, you wanna play? We should probably christen it…”

“Okay, sure, why not? Rack ‘em up while I get changed into something more comfortable. We might as well have a quick game before dinner. It would be kind of silly to just leave it standing there unused now we have it.”

“Yay!” Dee leaped high, punching the air. Honestly, sometimes he acted more like a ten-year-old than someone who’d left thirty behind a couple of years ago.

By the time Ryo returned, dressed in jeans and a t-shirt instead of the suit he’d worn for work, Dee, who was already wearing casual clothes, had everything ready for their inaugural pool game. He handed Ryo a bottle of beer, the outside dewy with condensation.

“Here ya go; looked like you could use a cold one. Tough day at work?”

“No more than usual.” Ryo didn’t particularly want to discuss work now he was home, especially not when he had more enjoyable things to think about, but he accepted the beer gratefully, taking a long pull from the bottle. Dee was right; after the day he’d had he definitely needed it. Already he could feel the stresses of the workday melting away. “Who gets to break? Do we toss for it or what?” he asked, setting his beer down on the windowsill.

“You break; I’ve already had a chance to play around with it a bit, makin’ sure I’d got it exactly level, so it’s only fair. Pick a cue!”

Ryo hadn’t even noticed the rack of cues off to one side, having been too focused on the table itself, but he walked over now and studied them carefully before making his selection and returning to the table. The crack of the cue ball scattering the rest of the balls in all directions sounded loud in the quiet of their apartment, and the two men quickly settled into their game.

Dee’s eyes were locked onto Ryo’s ass as his lover bent low over the table to take a shot. The jeans he was wearing clung like a second skin, although Dee doubted Ryo realised it. If he’d known, he probably would have pulled on a looser pair. The sight was beyond enticing, and Dee’s own pants started to feel considerably tighter than they had earlier.

Ryo sunk a ball in a corner pocket and moved around the table, looking for a good angle on the next one, bending again and giving Dee an even better view of his ass. Dee bit his lip, hard. Dammit! Maybe it was deliberate, and Ryo was trying to throw him off his game. What a sneaky, underhanded trick to play!

As the game continued, Dee tried his best to focus, but it was hopeless. How could he be expected to concentrate if the face of such a delectable distraction? He wanted to sink his teeth into that firm ass and hear his baby howl! He was still staring, eyes glazed over with lust, when Ryo potted the eight ball.

“Ha! I win!”

That was the final straw. Before Ryo could even begin to straighten up, Dee was plastered against him, grinding his very prominent erection into that tight little behind. “Cheat!” he hissed in Ryo’s ear. “You wore these jeans on purpose, didn’t ya? Admit it; you wanted to get me so turned on that I wouldn’t be able to think straight!”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Ryo insisted primly, but his body told a different story as he pushed back against Dee, increasing the delicious friction and drawing a deep groan from Dee’s lips.

Without releasing his partner, Dee pulled him upright and tugged Ryo’s t-shirt out of his jeans, sliding one hand up underneath it to tease Ryo’s nipples as he licked his way up his lover’s neck and nipped at his ear. “You’re gonna pay,” he murmured, his hot breath in Ryo’s ear sending delicious shivers through the other man’s whole body.

While one hand continued to play with Ryo’s nipples, Dee moved his other hand down to cup and squeeze the bulge he found in Ryo’s jeans. Oh yeah, his baby wanted this as much as Dee did! With deft fingers, he unfastened Ryo’s belt, flicked open the button at his waistband, and eased the zipper down, giving himself full access. As he slid his hand inside the front of Ryo’s shorts, gliding his fingertips along the hot, silken skin of the other man’s cock, Ryo whimpered and thrust forward into Dee’s touch, tipping his head back against his lover’s shoulder, exposing his throat to the ministrations of Dee’s teeth and tongue. Dee chuckled deep in his throat as he licked and nibbled, enjoying the way Ryo trembled in his embrace. Closing his hand around his partner’s length, Dee tugged firmly, feeling the stickiness of pre-come trickling over his fingers.

Drawing back a little, Dee licked Ryo’s ear. “I’m gonna screw ya from behind, right here, over the pool table.”

“Unh!” Ryo gasped, then breathing hard, managed to get out, “Right front pocket.”

Dee abandoned Ryo’s nipples and dipped the fingers of his right hand into his partner’s jeans pocket, pulling out a tube of lube. “Why, you little… You had this planned all along!”

Somehow Ryo managed to gather his scattered wits enough to deliver a coherent reply. “You’re the one who suggested we christen it, and having already been involved in christening the kitchen, both bathrooms, the bedrooms, the lounge, and the dining table, not to mention our office, I think I know what’s involved by now. I was just trying to save time,” he said, the smirk on his lips giving the lie to his innocent tone.

“Grrrrr!” Dee growled, nipping Ryo’s earlobe and tugging gently with his teeth. He gave a squeeze with the hand gripping his partner’s cock and Ryo’s knees started to buckle.

“Keep that up and this will be over before you get to do anything at all,” Ryo gasped.

“Can’t have that,” Dee grinned, releasing Ryo’s dick, dropping the lube on the pool table, and using both hands to shove his sexy lover’s jeans and underwear over his slim hips and down his long legs to mid-thigh. That would be far enough to give them both ample room to manoeuvre, no need to waste time taking them all the way off.

Snatching the lube up, Dee squeezed a generous amount onto fingers that were shaking slightly with eagerness, the slick liquid still warm from the tube having been crammed in Ryo’s jeans pocket throughout their game. He dropped the tube back onto the table, where it would be readily available in case he needed it again, and slid his hand over Ryo’s hip, reaching around to grasp his lover’s dick again.

Stroking lightly, he kept things slow and easy while his other hand moved to smear lube around Ryo’s opening. He used his thumb to rub slow circles against the tight muscle guarding Ryo’s entrance, gradually feeling it loosen enough for him to insert one finger, then a second, scissoring them gently. The slow pace was practically killing him, but there were some things it was best not to rush.

Drawing his fingers almost all the way out, Dee added a third, releasing Ryo’s dick just long enough to grab the tube and add another dollop of lube before dropping it on the floor and continuing to tease his lover with a too-gentle hand. Ryo was shuddering against him, making delicious little whimpering sounds that went straight to Dee’s already rock-hard cock. He could feel himself leaking copiously inside his shorts and knew he couldn’t wait much longer to be inside his lover.

At some point, without even realising he was doing it, he’d started thrusting rhythmically against Ryo’s bare hip, and the friction was stoking the fires of lust inside him ever higher. Stopping took all the strength of will he had, but after a couple of minutes’ internal struggle he succeeded, pulling back and withdrawing his fingers from Ryo’s ass. He gave his lover’s dick a couple more light tugs for good measure, smearing pre-come up and down its length, then released him, hands shaking slightly as he fumbled with the fastenings on his jeans, wishing he’d had the foresight to wear sweatpants instead. It would’ve been quicker.

Frustration grew as the button at his waistband resisted every attempt to unfasten it; the damn thing was too tight, his fingers too slippery with lube and pre-come, and after three increasingly urgent attempts Dee gave up, tugging his zipper down instead and fumbling his cock free. He couldn’t wait any longer, and besides, the thought of screwing his baby while the pair of them were almost fully dressed was an unbelievable turn on. He slicked himself up quickly with his lube-smeared hand, looking down at the way his cock jutted proudly from the front of his pants. Oh yeah, he was more than ready for this!

“Deee!” Ryo squirmed in the narrow gap between Dee and the pool table, the curve of his ass brushing lightly against the head of Dee’s cock, causing a sudden surge of pre-come to spill from the slit, and leaving a streak of wetness across Ryo’s ass cheek. Dee would’ve liked to lick it off, maybe nibble that firm flesh a bit, but the way his cock was twitching, there wasn’t time to indulge in more foreplay; he needed to get on with the main event or he was gonna come before they really got started.

Pushing Ryo forward, so he was bent over the table in the same position he had been earlier during their game, Dee grasped his erection and lined himself up with Ryo’s entrance, rubbing the head of his cock against the puckered opening and pushing, feeling it give against the gentle pressure, opening to let him slip inside. He paused halfway in, breathing deeply, trying to regain control and give Ryo time to adjust to the intrusion, before pushing the rest of the way in. Leaning over Ryo’s back, breathing hard, Dee nuzzled his partner.

“God, you’re so tight!” he gasped, licking beads of salty sweat from the side of Ryo’s neck, and nipping at his ear. “I could shoot right now without ever movin’ an inch.” Dee’s hand found Ryo’s dick again and he squeezed, then wished he hadn’t when Ryo clenched even more tightly around him, taking his breath away.

They remained in that frozen tableau for several long moments, until Dee finally felt that he could move without coming right away, then he pulled back slowly and thrust in again, settling into a comfortable rhythm, stroking Ryo’s cock in time with his thrusts. Every movement, every touch, elicited a chorus of gasps, groans, and cries of pleasure from the man beneath him. Ryo could be surprisingly vocal during sex if he was distracted enough not to be self-conscious about it. He was definitely distracted now.

After all the build-up, Dee doubted that either of them would last long; they were both far too turned on for a leisurely, slow session, but that was okay. Sometimes, fast and dirty was even better and they could take their time later for round two. Besides, his legs were already starting to shake, and he doubted Ryo’s were any better. Good thing the pool table was made to take a man’s weight leaning on it. Might have been designed for this very purpose.

Urged on by Ryo, Dee speeded up, bracing one arm against the table for support and thrusting harder as well as faster, pounding into his partner as they sailed past the point of no return, his hand keeping pace on Ryo’s cock.

“Unh! Deeeeeee! So close!” Ryo’s groan was low and drawn out, and if anything, his words excited Dee even more.

Not that he’d needed to be told; he could feel Ryo’s whole body tensing up on the brink of release, and felt himself caught up on the crest of a wave surging towards the shore. Then Ryo was pulsing in Dee’s hand as he came, his internal muscles clamping down on Dee’s cock and dragging him over the edge too. For a couple of minutes, Dee forgot to breathe, drowning in the flood of sensations racing through his body; stars were exploding inside his head, his brain seemed to have been sucked out through his dick, and his legs felt like they’d turned into wet noodles. His arm gave way, and he slumped limply on top of Ryo, both of them draped across the pool table, until Ryo started trying to push him off.

“Too heavy, Dee. Can’t breathe,” he gasped.

Managing to get an elbow on the table’s wooden surround, Dee levered himself up a couple of inches so Ryo could get air into his lungs. His jelly legs refused to support him though, and gravity took over; sliding free of Ryo, Dee slumped to the floor. His ass hit the boards with a jarring thump that he barely felt, then he kept going until he was sprawled on his back, still riding his orgasm high.

“Hoooo boy! That was seriously mind-blowin’!”

“Uh huh!” Ryo hadn’t moved, but Dee couldn’t blame him. If his baby felt anywhere near as drained as Dee himself did, he’d need a few minutes to gather his strength before even attempting to stand on his own.

Dee closed his eyes and concentrated on breathing. He would’ve liked to snuggle after that, but right now it sounded too much like hard work. “You okay, babe?”

“Mmmmm,” Ryo sighed, sounding half asleep. “Can’t feel my legs.”

Raising his head an inch off the floor to check, Dee flopped back again. “Still there.”

“That’s good. Dee?”


“Buying this pool table was a great idea.”

A broad grin spread across Dee’s face even though Ryo couldn’t see it. Oh yeah, possibly the best idea he’d ever had; it wasn’t just a pool table, it was a multi-purpose aid to recreational activities. They were going to get a lot of use out of their new toy; it was worth every cent he’d paid.

The End

fic, fic: nc-17, fake fic, ryo maclean, fic: one-shot, dee laytner, fake, fan_flashworks

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