FAKE Ficlet: Sneaky Dee

Dec 16, 2022 16:47

Title: Sneaky Dee
Fandom: FAKE
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Ryo, Dee.
Rating: PG
Word Count: 688
Setting: After Vol. 7.
Summary: After an enjoyable evening with his lover, Ryo should be heading home, but there’s a snag…
Written For: Challenge # 203: Pair at fan_flashworks. Also for my genprompt_bingo square ‘Something Is Concealed’.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.

Scrabbling about on the floor of Dee’s bedroom, Ryo cursed under his breath. “Where the hell is it?”

“What’s up, babe?” Dee asked sleepily from where he was lying snug and warm beneath the covers.

Ryo straightened up from peering under the bed, shoving one hand agitatedly through his hair. “I can only find one of my shoes,” he grumbled.

“Are you sure?” Dee propped himself up on one elbow.

“Of course I’m sure!” Ryo held up his left shoe. “One shoe, instead of a pair; what good is that? I know we were in a bit of a rush to get undressed, but this is ridiculous! The other one has to be around here somewhere, your bedroom’s not that big!” Staring at his partner, Ryo added, “Since you’re awake now, the least you could do is lend a hand and another pair of eyes.”

“Yeah, okay.” With a show of reluctance, Dee slid out of his cosy cocoon and joined the search, but ten minutes later, even with both of them hunting high and low, there was still no sign of Ryo’s other shoe.

“Now what am I going to do?” Ryo asked, slumping onto the edge of the bed. “I need to get home!”

“Well, you can’t go home in one shoe, babe,” Dee said reasonably. “It’s near freezin’ out there; you’d get frostbite barefoot in the snow. I’d loan ya a pair of my boots, but they’re too big for your feet. Even with extra socks you’d have trouble walkin’ in ‘em.”

Ryo sighed heavily; Dee was right, but of all the dumb things to happen…

“Look, it’s late,” Dee said, startling Ryo out of his thoughts. “About the only thing you can do right now is stay the night. Bikky’s old enough to spend one night alone, and if we can’t find your other shoe in the mornin’, when we’re both more awake, I’ll drive ya to a shoe store before work and buy ya a new pair. Okay?”

“Yeah, okay. Thanks, Dee, but if I have to get new shoes, there’s no need for you to pay. It’s not your fault I’ve lost one; I should have been more careful when I took them off.”

They’d been in such a hurry that instead of leaving their shoes by the door the way they usually did they’d headed straight into the bedroom. Ryo vaguely remembered toeing his shoes half off without undoing the laces before kicking them the rest of the way, but he’d paid no attention to where they’d landed. At least the window was closed so the missing shoe had to still be in the apartment somewhere.

“Hey, no prob, babe, always happy to help. Now, get undressed and into this bed so I can warm ya up again.”

“Are you sure you don’t mean that the other way around?” Ryo teased. “I’ve got more clothes on than you have.”

“Either way, doesn’t matter to me,” Dee said, grinning back and slipping under the covers again. “Warmer with two, so get your ass in here with me.”

Shaking his head, amused, Ryo shed his clothes and climbed back into bed. He sent a quick text to Bikky to tell his son he wouldn’t be home before snuggling down and pulling the covers up to his ears.

Dee turned out the light and settled himself comfortably, spooning behind Ryo, pulling him close and pressing a kiss to the back of his head. “Night, babe. Sweet dreams.”

“Goodnight, Dee.”

Smirking into the darkness, Dee congratulated himself on being so sneaky in getting his lover to spend the night with him in the warm instead of heading out for a long trek home in sub-zero temperatures. He knew exactly where Ryo’s other shoe was; he’d hidden it himself at the bottom of the laundry hamper when Ryo went to the bathroom to freshen up a bit, as he put it, after round one. All Dee would need to do was retrieve it once Ryo was asleep and put it somewhere silly so they could ‘find’ it in the morning. Ryo need never know the truth.

The End

fic, fake fic, ryo maclean, genprompt_bingo, fic: one-shot, dee laytner, ficlet, fake, fan_flashworks, fic: pg

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