BtVS Double Drabble: Moving Forward

Dec 14, 2022 17:07

Title: Moving Forward
Fandom: BtVS
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Willow, Tara, Others.
Rating: PG
Written For: Challenge 324: Long Time Gone at drabble_weekly.
Spoilers/Setting: Several years into the future.
Summary: Willow will always remember Tara, but she needs to move forward with her life.
Disclaimer: I don’t own BtVS, or the characters.
A/N: Double drabble.

Time passes: it never stands still, not for an instant, even when it seems to be dragging its heels. People grow, change, move on. They connect with other people, then part, and sometimes it seems to Willow that everyone’s always leaving her.

Giles moved back to England, Xander got married and settled somewhere up north, Buffy comes and goes. She never seems to stay anywhere very long, travelling with a band of Slayerettes, doing what they do best.

Kennedy didn’t last; Willow has no idea where she is now, but it doesn’t matter. She was a rebound thing, a way for Willow to prove to herself she could still maybe, someday, love again. It just won’t ever be the same; nothing could be, not after Tara.

It’s been eight long years since Tara died, but the memories of her are as sharp and clear as they ever were, they just hurt less than they used to. These days, Willow can think of her sweetie without feeling her heart splinter into sharp-edged fragments. She’ll always miss Tara, but she can’t mourn the past forever. Tara wouldn’t want her to.

There’s someone new now. It’s not love yet, but it might be.

The End

buffy fic, drabble_weekly, tara mcclay, willow rosenberg, other character/s, btvs, drabble

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