Title: Pumpkin Temptation
Fandom: BtVS
badly_knittedCharacters: Buffy, Giles.
Rating: PG
Written For: Challenge 318: Pumpkin at
Spoilers/Setting: Early Season 2.
Summary: Sometimes boredom can lead to temptation.
Disclaimer: I don’t own BtVS, or the characters.
A/N: Double drabble.
“How was patrol last night, Buffy?” Giles asked as his Slayer flopped into a chair at the big library table, checking in before class.
“Totally dead, and I don’t mean that in the fun way. I was a lonely little Slayer in a pumpkin patch. Lots of pumpkins, but not a single vamp. I thought of smuggling one out of there under my coat.”
“A vampire?”
“A pumpkin, Giles, are you even listening? Anyway, there was nobody around, no security guards, cameras, or anything, and all those pumpkins just going to waste, so I did think about helping myself to one. But that would probably be considered stealing, right? Even though most people already got their pumpkins by now, and the ones still in the field are only gonna be left to rot.”
“Well, I for one am relieved that you didn’t succumb to temptation. Theft does tend to be frowned upon, even here in California.”
“Yeah, I don’t think mom would’ve been impressed if I’d gotten arrested and charged with pumpkin-napping.”
“Probably not, it might have constituted grounds for expulsion.”
“Seriously? Wow!” Buffy looked thoughtful. “Suddenly I’m very glad I couldn’t find one that would fit inside my coat.”
The End