Archangel (Samaria Series) Ficlet: Powerless

Oct 13, 2022 17:52

Title: Powerless
Fandom: Archangel (Samaria Series) by Sharon Shinn
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Gabriel, Rachel.
Rating: G
Word Count: 254
Summary: Gabriel doesn’t know what to do about Rachel.
Content Notes: None needed.
Written For: Challenge 275: Cloud at fan_flashworks.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Archangel, or the characters. They belong to Sharon Shinn.

Gabriel sank onto a rock, his head bowed, his shoulders aching with the weight of responsibility. The welfare of the whole of Semorrah was his burden to carry now, and he would do so gladly, but he was never meant to do it alone. He should be leading the people with his angelica by his side, the one chosen for him by Jovah himself, but she wanted none of him.

He could send up his prayers to Jovah to bring rain and end a drought, knowing that by the end of his song the clouds would be gathering to shed their blessing on the parched earth. He could call upon the god to bring sunlight in winter, and the snow clouds would melt away within hours. He could even, as he had just now done, entreat Jovah to forgive his people, rein in his fury, stop the deluge that was threatening to drown them all, and see? Already the rains had ceased, the clouds were dissipating.

He could do all these things, ask for whatever weather was needed for the crops to grow and the people to flourish, and always be assured his prayers would be answered. Weather was a simple matter, but his wife…

How could it be that with all the things he could do for the whole of Semorrah, the one thing he could not do was chase the clouds of anger and resentment from Rachel’s eyes? In that he was powerless. Did she not know how much he loved her?

The End

samaria: sharon shinn, fic, fic: one-shot, ficlet, fan_flashworks, fic: g

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