B5 Double Drabble: Vengeance

Oct 09, 2022 18:01

Title: Vengeance
Fandom: Babylon 5
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: G’Kar.
Rating: PG
Spoilers: The Coming of Shadows.
Summary: G’kar realises that the time for revenge is not yet come.
Written For: Challenge 333: Amnesty at fan_flashworks, using Challenge 107: Burn.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Babylon 5, or the characters. They belong to J. Michael Straczynski.
A/N: Double drabble and a half, 250 words.

Vengeance is a living thing. It burns inside my heart as it burns in the hearts of all my people. For so long we labored beneath the yoke of our oppressors, finally breaking free, and we yearned to make the Centauri pay for what they had done to our world, stripping away its resources, turning what was once an abundance of natural beauty into a desolate wasteland. We longed to make them feel our boot on their necks, treat them as we’d been treated, but we needed to look to our own, to begin the long and painful process of rebuilding what the Centauri had destroyed.

We waited too long. Perhaps we should have pressed the advantage when we had it. Driving them out was not enough, we should have obliterated them when we had the chance.

The wheel turns. We believed out hard-won freedom a victory when it was no more than a brief respite. Now they’re doing it to us again! It cannot be allowed!

Vengeance demands that I strike back, and yet Sheridan is right. Revenge would be sweet for a moment, but my people would pay the price. Their lives matter more than my desire to tear Mollari apart for his betrayal. I offered the hand of friendship, and he repaid me with this, an unprovoked attack, our outpost destroyed!

The Centauri won’t stop there, that isn’t their way; this is only the beginning. But for the sake of my people, vengeance will have to wait.

The End

fic, g'kar, babylon 5, fan_flashworks, drabble, fic: pg

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