FAKE Fic: A Watched Clock...

Sep 29, 2022 17:22

Title: A Watched Clock...
Fandom: FAKE
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Dee, Ryo, Bikky.
Rating: PG
Setting: After Like Like Love.
Summary: Bikky is on his way home for the summer vacation and time is dragging as Ryo waits for his shift to end.
Word Count: 918
Written For: Challenge 370: Clock at fan_flashworks.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.

“Watchin’ the clock isn’t gonna make time pass any faster, y’know.”

Jolted from his reverie, Ryo blinked across at his partner. “What?” Then Dee’s words registered, and he blushed. “Oh, right, I know that. It’s just...” He trailed off.

“You’re excited, I know. Haven’t seen the brat in forever. I get it. But like I said, ya can’t will time to pass any faster than it normally does. Fact is, you keep starin’ at the clock it’s gonna seem like time’s slowed to a crawl. I know, I’ve been there, waitin’ for a long shift to end.”

“Who hasn’t?” Ryo smiled ruefully; he had a reputation for being a workaholic, but even before he and Dee became lovers there’d been days when all he’d wanted was to clock off and head home. He got tired, stressed, and fed up with work the same as anyone, even though most days he loved being a cop and couldn’t imagine doing anything else with his life.

“The time’s gonna pass a lot quicker if ya keep busy.”

That wasn’t news to Ryo either. “Only problem with that is, I can’t seem to concentrate. My mind keeps wandering.”

“Mine does that all the time,” Dee said, oh so unhelpfully. “’Specially when you’re sittin’ there playin’ with your pen like that.”

Ryo hurriedly pulled the pen from his mouth; he hadn’t realised he was sucking on it. That was a habit he’d thought he’d broken back in high school.

Across their desks, Dee smirked. “Oh to be that pen.”

“Shut up!” Ryo’s blush deepened.

If anything, Dee’s smile got wider. “Rain check?”

“Bikky will be home!”

“His room’s at the other end of the apartment from ours, I arranged it that way for a reason; he won’t hear a thing. Hope you’re not suggestin’ we embrace celibacy while the brat’s in residence.” Dee was leaning forward, keeping his voice down so nobody would overhear.

Involuntarily, Ryo’s eyes wandered to the wall clock again, only to find less than five minutes had passed since the last time he’d looked. He and Dee still had almost two hours left of their shift, and he’d hoped to be home with dinner almost ready by the time his son arrived. Unless his flight was seriously delayed, Bikky’s plane should be landing in a little over ninety minutes. Carol and her aunt were picking him up at the airport since Ryo was working, and anyway, Ryo knew Bikky would probably be more excited to see his girlfriend than his foster faster.

Sighing heavily, Ryo turned his attention back to the paperwork on his desk. “Why does time only fly past when we don’t want it to?” He winced inwardly at how whiny that sounded.

Dee simply shrugged. “One of the mysteries of the universe, I guess, designed to torture us. The hours fly by when we’re havin’ fun, then drag when we’re not. It sucks, but there’s not a whole lot we can do about it, less ya wanna sneak off someplace and have some fun.”

“Don’t even think about that. We’re at work!” Ryo’s death glare would have cowed a lesser man, but Dee just winked.

“The offer’s there if ya change your mind. I’m up for it, anytime, anywhere.”

“Like I don’t already know that.” They’d been living together getting on for ten months now, and Ryo had long since come to the conclusion that Dee was permanently in the mood. “Sounds like I’m not the only one needs to focus on work.”

One final glance at the clock, or so he told himself, and Ryo forced himself to get on with the job he was being paid for, which he managed for all of five minutes before the phone on Dee’s desk rang. Snatching the receiver up, Dee tucked it between shoulder and ear as he reached for pen and notepad, quickly jotting something down. When he hung up, he offered his partner an apologetic grin.

“Whelp, looks like your prayers have been answered; we got a possible break in the Mackenzie homicide. Better grab your coat.”

“Oh, that’s just great. Why today of all days? Why not yesterday, or tomorrow?” Tossing his pen carelessly on his desk instead of returning it to his penholder as he usually would, Ryo shoved his chair back and stood, raking one hand distractedly through his hair. He knew he should be glad about having something other than paperwork to keep him occupied, but he had a sinking feeling that he and Dee would end up working past the end of their shift tonight.

Dee patted him consolingly on the shoulder, obviously thinking along similar lines. “Look on the bright side; the kid’s gonna be hangin’ about half the summer, you’ll have plenty of time with him when he’s not jetlagged and gettin’ loved up with his girl.”

“But I’d planned a welcome home meal, I was going to cook all Bikky’s favourites! If we have to work late, I won’t have time to cook at all!”

“So we’ll pick up takeout. Betcha the kid is longin’ for real New York pizza as much as your homecooked meals. There’ll be other nights for ya to play chef.”

“I guess.” As Ryo followed Dee out of the squad room, he glanced up at the clock on the wall, scowling. Less than an hour and a quarter left before Bikky’s flight was due to land. “But the way things are going, I’m not even gonna be there when he gets home.”

The End

fic, fake fic, bikky, ryo maclean, fic: one-shot, dee laytner, fake, fan_flashworks, fic: pg

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