Lost Girl Ficlet: Hunger

Aug 25, 2022 17:40

Title: Hunger
Fandom: Lost Girl
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Bo, Dyson.
Rating: PG-13
Setting: Middle of Season One.
Summary: Bo has gone from trying to resist her inner hunger to being able to embrace it freely.
Written For: Prompt 336: Feast Or Famine at fan_flashworks.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Lost Girl, or the characters.
A/N: Quadruple drabble.

For the longest time, Bo had felt starved. Not for food, or not the traditional kind, but for something she couldn’t begin to define. She’d battled against a hunger she didn’t understand and had only the most tenuous and unreliable control over.

She could resist the urge, the physical need, for only so long before the hunger swamped her senses, and then… Then she would wake in the morning beside yet another dead body and be forced to flee to another place, under another name. It was a precarious life at best, keeping one step ahead of the law, knowing all the time that if she was captured it would mean jail, or something worse. Because monsters existed only to be slain, and if she wasn’t a monster, then what was she?


Knowing what she is helps.

Dyson helps more.

From famine to feast, with him she can at last sate all her appetites fully, without worrying about any unintended consequences. No more corpses to wake up to, just a warm, living, and very sexy man.

He’s there for her whenever she needs to heal, or whenever she wants to satisfy her succubus nature. Raw, primal passion between two consenting fae is so much more fulfilling than what she’s been used too, even if, as often as not, Dyson looks wrecked afterwards. He’s resilient, he recovers fast from their activities. It’s only when she needs to draw on him for healing that Bo feels a little guilty. It takes so much out of him, but he never complains.

She’s even learning to control herself better, so she can indulge her natural inclinations safely and responsibly with any partner she chooses. It’s freeing. She feels as though she spent her entire adult life wandering in an arid desert only to stumble across an oasis, and if her behaviour has been a bit on the gluttonous side lately, who can blame her? She’s got years of self-denial to make up for, years of feeling something essential within her slowly withering away, turning the core of her being into a dried-up husk. Years of struggling to restrain the monster clawing at her insides and howling for its freedom.

Bo no longer sees that part of her as the enemy, a dangerous creature she needs to keep caged within her. She’s finally whole, complete, more herself than she’s ever been.

And she’s hungry!

The End

fic, dyson, fic: pg-13, lost girl, fic: one-shot, ficlet, bo dennis, fan_flashworks

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