Ficlet: Healthy Exercise

Aug 18, 2022 17:26

Title: Healthy Exercise
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Ianto, Jack, Meriel, Nosy.
Rating: G
Spoilers: Nada.
Summary: Ianto decides he and his family are in need of some healthy exercise.
Word Count: 500
Written For: Prompt 251: Healthy at anythingdrabble.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.

Looking at his husband and daughter, who were sprawled on the living room floor playing a board game with the family Fluff, Ianto frowned, noticing that they were looking a bit pasty. To be honest, so was he; he’d noticed earlier that morning while he was shaving. Winter had been harsh, keeping them all mostly indoors through weeks of pouring rain, heavy snow, and sub-zero temperatures, so if they were all looking a bit washed out it was really no surprise. Even Jack was lacking his usual healthy tan; Ianto couldn’t remember the last time he’d died and reset. What they all needed was to get out in the fresh air and sunshine.

Skirting around his family, he wandered over to the French doors and gazed out across the roof garden. The decking and pathways were dry, but the sky was overcast, keeping the sun hidden from view. Oh well, they’d just have to settle for the fresh air and make do without the sunlight. One out of two wasn’t so bad. Mind made up, he turned to the lazy slobs on the floor.

“Right, you three, up you get!”

“What?” Jack glanced over his shoulder at his husband. “Why? You don’t want to vacuum the floor again, do you?”

Ianto rolled his eyes. “No, but we’ve all been lazing around for far too long and that’s not healthy.”

“We’re not lazing around; we’re playing a game!”

“Which will still be there when we get back,” Ianto pointed out.

“Back from where?”

“We’re going for a walk. A bit of fresh air and healthy exercise will do us all good,” Ianto said firmly. “We’re as pale as a bunch of mushrooms.”

“But it’s miserable out!” Jack complained.

“It’s dry and breezy. I thought we could drive down the coast to that secluded beach we found a few months back, do a bit of beachcombing, and let Nosy roll around in the dry sand.”

Nosy perked up at that. “HUMM!” it said enthusiastically before slithering off towards its room, returning a few minutes later with its basket containing a ball and a frisbee.

Jack sighed and got to his feet. “Fine, we’ll go, if you insist. Meriel, get your coat and…” He looked around, but Meriel was gone, only to come dashing back with her coat and boots on, gloves, hat, and scarf in hand.

“Come on, Daddy, hurry up!”

Ianto quickly filled a flask with coffee, and packed snacks and other essentials into a bag while Jack put his coat on. Less than an hour later they were walking along the beach, buffeted by a brisk wind that was turning their cheeks pink and ruffling Nosy’s thick fur.

“Smell that air!” Ianto took a deep breath of the salty air, untainted by the ever-present traffic fumes of the city. “Isn’t this better than being cooped up at home?”

Jack paused, watching Meriel and Nosy racing each other along the sand. “Alright, yes, it was a good idea. Happy now?”


The End

anythingdrabble, fic, jack/ianto, meriel, jack harkness, nosy, ianto jones, torchwood fic, fic: one-shot, ficlet, nosy-verse, fic: g

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