Bones Drabble: Best Of Both Worlds

Aug 05, 2022 17:08

Title: Best Of Both Worlds
Fandom: Bones
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Booth, Christine.
Rating: G
Word Count: 300
Spoilers: Set early in Season 10.
Summary: Booth reflects on raising a child prodigy.
Written For: Challenge 309: Amnesty at fan_flashworks, using Challenge 47: Teaching.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Bones, or the characters; they belong to their creators.
A/N: Triple Drabble.

Four years old and, just like her mother, Christine is already scarily smart, soaking up everything she’s told like a sponge. She’s amazing, but that’s what worries Booth sometimes. What if, as she gets older, she starts to see him as a disappointment, even an embarrassment? He hates to think that she might be ashamed of him for not being her intellectual equal.

Not that Booth isn’t smart in his own way; he’s an FBI agent, but that requires a different kind of smarts, less the kind that comes from books, and more… intuitive, an understanding of people and how they tick. He can read a situation as easily as Brennan can read a bunch of bones; he’s just not good at the science-y stuff.

Maybe that’s okay though; Christine has her mom to teach her all the fancy scientific terms. She has her dad to teach her the rules of ice hockey and baseball, to encourage her to have fun and be a kid, use her imagination, listen to her gut, and follow her heart. Her mom missed out on a lot of that, the playing make believe, and the birthday parties, and the doing of silly things just because she can. There’s nothing frivolous about being silly; being serious all the time isn’t good for anyone.

Christine’s gonna grow up with the best of both worlds, all the knowledge her brain can absorb and all the fun and laughter she can handle. She’ll have a better childhood than either of her parents did.

Yeah, they’ll strike the right balance for their daughter, give her all the tools she needs to choose her own path in life, and when she’s all grown up and looks at her parents, she’ll see she’s inherited the best qualities of both of them.

The End

fic, booth, bones, fan_flashworks, drabble, fic: g

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