BtVS Triple Drabble: Undead And Uninvited

Aug 03, 2022 17:13

Title: Undead And Uninvited
Fandom: BtVS
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Buffy.
Rating: PG
Word Count: 300
Spoilers: Dead Man’s Party.
Summary: The Summers house is being overrun by zombies! What should Buffy do?
Written For: Challenge 369: Amnesty 61 at fan_flashworks, using Challenge 66: Z.
Disclaimer: I don’t own BtVS, or the characters.
A/N: Triple drabble.

As if the zombie cat wasn’t bad enough, a hissing, spitting, bad-tempered bundle of stinky, furry living death, now there were zombie people trying to force their way into the Summers’ residence. Some welcome home this was turning out to be.

Where were they all coming from anyway? Okay, yeah, Sunnydale’s many cemeteries; that much was obvious. One thing the Hellmouth wasn’t short of was corpses, and Buffy knew she should probably be grateful that the ones currently invading her home were among the more recently deceased. They didn’t stink too badly, unlike the dead cat, and there weren’t too many gross, gooey bits dropping off them. None of them would be winning any beauty contests, but they could be worse.

Maybe where they were coming from was less important than finding a way to send them back to their graves. Honestly, when she thought about it, they were being incredibly disrespectful to their bereaved friends and relatives. They were dead, they should be quietly rotting away beneath the ground, not behaving like an undead flash mob. Plus, weren’t there laws against breaking and entering? The zombie horde had the breaking part down, even if they hadn’t quite gotten around to the entering part, thanks to the efforts of Buffy’s mostly uninvited guests.

Calling the police to report a break-in was out of the question. They weren’t equipped to deal with a zombie rampage. Buffy wasn’t at all sure she was either; vampires were technically undead, true, but there was a world of difference between them and zombies. Stakes weren’t going to work against the current threat, she’d already tried that, to no noticeable effect. What Buffy needed was to find whatever was making the dead rise and… turn it off.

Just, what exactly did a zombie reanimator look like?

The End

fic, buffy fic, buffy summers, btvs, fan_flashworks, drabble, fic: pg

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