FAKE Ficlet: Escape Plans

May 20, 2022 18:22

Title: Escape Plans
Fandom: FAKE
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Ryo, Dee, Ted.
Rating: PG
Setting: After Vol. 7.
Summary: Dee knows Ryo so well he can pretty much predict how he’ll react in certain situations...
Word Count: 500
Written For: Prompt 663: Emergency at slashthedrabble.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.

It was a great party, held in the backroom at McGinty’s to celebrate Ted passing his sergeant’s exam with a score of 97%, one of the highest on record. The squad’s diligent coaching of their friend had paid off, and Ryo was happy to be there helping to celebrate his success. There was music playing, a heavily laden buffet table against one wall, and the drinks were flowing freely. Everyone was enjoying themselves, and yet Ryo was feeling increasingly uncomfortable and twitchy...

Dee was wearing those jeans again, the black ones that fit just right. Tonight he’d teamed them with a new shirt, rich red with black stripes, which made him stand out like a beacon against the other party guests. He looked amazing, and no matter how hard he tried to look elsewhere, Ryo’s gaze kept being drawn back to his lover.

He endured the torment as long as he possibly could before pulling his phone from his pocket and pretending like he’d gotten a call. He had to get out of there before he embarrassed himself, but he couldn’t just walk out; he needed a good excuse. Putting the phone away, he made his way over to the man of the hour.


“Ryo! Everything okay?”

“Bikky called, there’s a bit of an emergency at home so I’ve got to head out. I’ve had a great time though.”

“That’s too bad, but if you gotta go...” Ted slapped him on the shoulder. “Thanks for comin’, and for helpin’ me study. Couldn’t have done it without you.”

As Ryo headed for the door, he was surprised to see Dee there with both their coats. “Saw ya on the phone, figured something came up, and I heard ya tellin’ Ted there’s an emergency. You want some company?”

“You don’t have to leave the party on my account, Dee.”

“Be a lot less fun without you here. C’mon, let’s go.” Dee handed Ryo his jacket and led the way outside, hailing a cab. As they climbed into the backseat, Dee flashed a grin. “So, your place or mine?”

“What d’you mean?”

“Babe, I know as well as you do Bikky’s away at camp. No way he called askin’ ya to come home, which means that phone call was a fake, and your ‘emergency’ has nothin’ to do with the kid. So, like I said, your place or mine?”

Ryo blushed. “Yours.”

Dee gave the cabbie his address and sat back in the seat, grinning smugly. “Looks like my evil plan worked like a charm.”

“What’re you talking about?” Ryo frowned at his lover.

If anything, Dee’s grin got even wider. “Parties like that are fun for the first hour or two, but after that everyone’s had too much to drink, and it starts gettin’ rowdy. Always a good idea to have an escape plan. Why d’ya think I wore these jeans? Gotta say though, ya held out longer than I expected.”

“You knew I’d have to leave?”

“Was countin’ on it!”

The End

fic, fake fic, slashthedrabble, ted o'neill, ryo maclean, fic: one-shot, dee laytner, ficlet, fake, fic: pg

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