Warehouse 13 Ficlet: Kisses Don’t Lie

May 09, 2022 18:19

Title: Kisses Don’t Lie
Fandom: Warehouse 13
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Steve Jinks.
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Nada.
Summary: Steve would rather not see the lies in his lovers’ eyes, but when they’re kissing, he doesn’t have to.
Word Count: 336
Written For: kayim’s prompt ‘Warehouse 13, Steve/Any, He loves to lose himself in kissing - at least he can't tell if his partner is lying to him...,’ at fic_promptly.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Warehouse 13, or the characters. They belong to their creators.

Anyone who thinks being able to tell when someone is lying would be a cool talent to have really has no idea. In a work context it can be useful, it really speeds up the process of weeding out the truth from the lies, and that can be crucial when time is of the essence, but on a personal level? It’s nothing less than a curse.

You try dating someone when you can tell every single time they’re being less than entirely truthful, whether they’re telling little white lies to spare your feelings or something huge like “Of course I’m not cheating on you with my brother’s best friend.” And yes, that actually happened to him in high school. Remembering it isn’t any more pleasant than living through it.

There are days when Steve would give anything to be like everyone else, oblivious to other people’s lies. Life, especially relationships, must be so much less painful if you’re blissfully ignorant of being lied to.

For Steve, kissing is a kind of escape from having to see the lies in a lover’s eyes. Up close and personal, both of them with their eyes closed, he’ll willingly lose himself for as long as possible, relishing the closeness and the honesty, because kisses don’t lie. If it’s working, you both know it, and if it isn’t you just stop. No harm, no foul, and no need to explain.

Can’t spend all the time kissing though, and try as he might, Steve can never avoid looking people in the eye. It’s like he’s drawn irresistibly. Steve Jinks; glutton for punishment. Maybe somewhere in the world there’s a man who’s incapable of lying. It could happen. But what would be the odds of them ever running into each other, and even if they did, that wouldn’t guarantee they’d be compatible in other ways. Even supposing he did meet his opposite number, with his luck the guy would turn out to be straight and married.

Maybe he’s just better off staying single.

The End

fic, fic: one-shot, fic_promptly, ficlet, steve jinks, warehouse 13, fic: pg

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