Title: Sow Confusing
Fandom: FAKE
badly_knittedCharacters: Dee, Ryo.
Rating: G
Setting: After Like Like Love.
Summary: Dee is eager to get things growing in his and Ryo’s new greenhouse.
Written Using: The dw100 prompt ‘Depth’.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.
A/N: Double drabble and a half, 250 words.
Dee was frowning at the back of a seed packet when Ryo entered the greenhouse.
“What’s the matter, forget your glasses?”
A couple of months ago, Dee had started wearing glasses for reading, although he mostly needed them for working on the computer.
“No, I can see this fine, it just doesn’t say how deep the seeds should be planted.” Dee waved the packet in his lover’s face. “Am I missin’ somethin’ obvious?”
Up until he’d gotten to this packet, sowing depth had been on all of them, and he’d been scrupulous in measuring to get it right. This was his first attempt at growing stuff from seed and he was determined to do it right. He’d even bought the seeds himself, spending at least half an hour browsing the display to choose a selection of flowers and vegetables.
“If you’d stop waving it, I might be able to see,” Ryo told his lover, grinning.
“Oh, sorry.” Dee handed the packet over and stood waiting impatiently as Ryo scanned the instructions before flipping the packet over to look at the picture.
“Mesembryanthemums. They’ll look lovely. So many pretty colours.”
“Yeah, assumin’ I ever manage to sow ‘em. Ain’t gonna grow in the packet, are they?”
“Small seeds like these have to be surface sown,” Ryo explained. “They need the light to germinate.”
“Oh, so I don’t bury ‘em at all?”
“No, just sprinkle them across the surface and press down lightly.”
Dee grinned. “Mystery solved. Thanks!”
“Always happy to help.”
The End