Star Trek Enterprise Triple Drabble: Maiden Voyage

Apr 29, 2022 17:54

Title: Maiden Voyage
Fandom: Star Trek: Enterprise
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Jonathan Archer.
Rating: G
Spoilers: Set early Season One.
Summary: Enterprise is just beginning her maiden voyage, but Archer has confidence in his ship and crew.
Written For: Challenge 337: Wonder at fan_flashworks.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Star Trek: Enterprise, or the characters.
A/N: Triple drabble.

Archer can’t imagine ever becoming tired of this. Exploration is in his blood; as far back as he can remember he’s longed to be out here, to see what lies beyond the confines of earth and its solar system. There’s so much more to be learned than most of humanity will ever realise.

With Enterprise and his crew, he can experience first-hand all the wonders of the universe, and then some. There are unknown alien races to meet and hopefully forge bonds of friendship with, new phenomena to witness, new scientific discoveries to be made. They’ve barely begun and it’s almost dizzying to think of everything that lies ahead.

He knows it isn’t all going to be smooth sailing. Chances are, not all of the alien races they encounter will be friendly, although that doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll have hostile intentions. Some might simply prefer to keep to themselves, which isn’t unreasonable. Meeting new people challenges one’s perceptions, and not everyone will be ready for that. For a long time, humanity wasn’t, and Archer is under no illusions that the people of earth have fully conquered all of their own prejudices. At least they’re trying.

There will no doubt be other dangers in the depths of space, the universe is vast, and they still know so little, but he has a good crew, the best, as well as the finest starship the engineers of Star Fleet have ever designed. With that in mind, Archer is confident there won’t be much they can’t find a way to deal with or get around.

When they eventually return to their little corner of the galaxy, what wonders might they bring with them? New medicines? New technology? New alliances? Then maybe the naysayers will finally understand that space is humanity’s future, and its salvation.

The End

fic, jonathan archer, star trek enterprise, fan_flashworks, drabble, fic: g

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