Magnum P.I. (2018) Ficlet: Last Minute Switch

Apr 21, 2022 18:15

Title: Last Minute Switch
Fandom: Magnum P.I. (2018)
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Magnum, Higgins, T.C.
Rating: PG
Word Count: 508
Spoilers: A World Of Trouble.
Summary: Magnum was all set to marry Higgins, but there’s been a change of plans, which is probably a good thing.
Content Notes: Nada.
Written For: Challenge 345: Amnesty at fan_flashworks, using Challenge 300: Switch.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Magnum P.I. (2018), or the characters.

Okay, so maybe offering to marry Higgins so she wouldn’t be sent back to England wasn’t one of my better ideas, and I probably should have thought it through more carefully beforehand, but she’s my partner. I need her here in Hawaii, not on the other side of the world, and you know me; if I have to break the law to keep her where she belongs, well, I’m ready, willing, and able. Whatever it takes.

Never let it be said that I let my friends down in their hour of need. Not intentionally anyway, and not if I can avoid it. Sometimes there are extenuating circumstances, but we won’t go into that; that’s a whole other very long story and not relevant. Point is, I was willing to be there for her as her husband, for as long as she wanted me to be. She didn’t even need to ask. I even thought she was sort of looking forward to being able to lord it over me as my wife. I mean, she does that anyway, so being married wouldn’t have changed things all that much.

Still, maybe it’s for the best that it didn’t pan out, even if it’s a kind of bummer that I’m not getting married after all. I was looking forward to it: the cake, the bachelor party, the wedding, the tux… Man, I looked sharp in that tux; Higgy should’ve seen me in it, might’ve changed her mind all over again. Well, her loss.

I can’t believe T.C. stole my fake fiancée right out from under my nose! Stabbed in the back by one of my best friends; I never saw that coming. Where’s the loyalty? After everything we’ve been through with each other, and he pulls that stunt. Nah, just joking. Higgins could do a lot worse, even for a fake marriage.

Hey, maybe I could be T.C.’s best man; there’s a thought. That way I could still get to wear the tux, show Higgy just what she’s missing out on. And there’s still gotta be a bachelor party, and cake, and a wedding, only now when we’re on a case we won’t have to be forever acting like newlyweds. It was hard enough maintaining our cover as a couple on that coach trip a bit back, being all lovey-dovey isn’t something that comes naturally to the fair Juliet. Or maybe that was just me. Sometimes I get the impression she enjoys making my life difficult.

Yeah, I was right; it’s definitely better this way. Higgins gets to stay in Hawaii, I get to keep my partner, and T.C. gets a wedding and a fake wifey. That’s one hell of a sacrifice for one friend to make for another. I know he’s not just doing this for me, he wants to help Higgins too, but still… I owe him. He’s never gonna let me forget it, but I guess I can live with that.

Now I just have to figure out what to get the happy couple as a wedding gift…

The End

fic, juliet higgins, thomas magnum, fic: one-shot, magnum p.i., ficlet, t.c., fan_flashworks, fic: pg

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